what are the key elements for succes in Health care careers?!

1. good at science
2. Must be good with people: health care is a people oriented career. You can't just be smart.
3. Good team player: you can't be a snob or overly critical. when in your internship, don't be an intellectual snob. watch how you treat people, including everyone you deal with- because you are being watched and judged. be smart but don't be a smart-a**.

Other Answers:
don't make mistakes that will kill anyone.
Learn everything you can about the job you want and how EVERYTHING works. You can then work ANYWHERE!
That depends upon which healthcare career you are considering, they differ for each one. I have been in healthcare for 20 years, feel free to email me and we can discuss if you wish.
decide what you want and go for it. it takes a lot of dedication and Patience. you also need a love for helping hurting people.
Actually caring for the people you will take care of.
Being able to work weekends, holidays, overtime and LONG hours.
Being able to listen to your patients and their loved ones.
Being able to hold your temper when management comes up with hair brain ideas that you must go along with.
Stay in touch with our Lord and always ask for guidence.
Many long hours on the job.


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