wisdom teeth?!

Question: i've got two wisdom teeth coming through on the lower jaw and they're making my gums sore. my dentist can't see any problems though.
someone help???
have them extracted ASAP

Other Answers:
When new teeth come through, it tends to hurt, even with your wisdom teeth. If the dentist says it's all fine, then just take some painkillers and go with it. It'll turn out all right.
As the wisdom teeth push through the gum, some soreness is possible. I worked for a dentist for 5 years, and he would advise the patient to go home, take some tylenol or advil, and see if the pain goes away. If so, then leave the wisdom teeth alone. However, if/when the pain persists, then have them out. Pain is normal to experience as the teeth move around and start to poke though the gums.
take advil. it works the best sfor these kinda things.
Try another dentist. Did your dentist take xrays at all.
if you don't get them seen to the pain will get worse. when mine came through, i had to wait 10 days to see a dentist and 6 weeks to get them out as they were impacted. One side of my face even got puffy and my eye went kinda black, it looked like i'd been beaten up lol.
go. Go to another dentist. The sooner the better love.
Try taking an advil or something like that and put orajel on your gums. You might even buy a babys teething ring and freeze it and bite down on it to help get them through. Good luck and God bless you.
same thing happened to me, my dentist said it was nothing to worry about. Its just annoying
Just enjoy light and soft diet for a few days. Isee nothing which may be a problem for you in future.
That is mean't to bite lots of wisdom to those who lack wisdom. Most wisdom teeth cause problems. Pulling out
in such cases is the ideal solution.
But this tooth, is dangerous to pull out w/o proper expertise. Some men/women have perished. These have nerves running deep inside our brain. Somebody has already said.Go for a third opinion too.
I have 3 of them, still at 41 , I ain't have any problems.
Go to an Oral Surgeon and ask for a consultation, so they can get a better X-ray!
I would get a second opinion. Don't take any medication. All that will do is take the pain away not cure it. If you can't feel the pain that is really there how will you know if the pain is getting better on it's own or if the pain could be an emergency.
They can be stinkers coming in. If you are between age 17 and 21, sore is normal. Sometimes the opposing teeth can be shaved down a bit to give them room to come in.


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