i have had trouble trying to get a flat stomach. workouts aren't working for me.!

You haven't mentioned the specifics of your workout routine and what you've done that isn't working for you. So here is some specific information about working the abdominals.

First and foremost, stay away from any ab machine as they are simply a waste of money and barely effective.

The abdominal muscles work just like any other muscle and have to be challenged as such. High-repetition crunches will work nothing more than your endurance. If you want muscular abdominals, you have to challenge them with resistance and good form just like you would your chest, your back or any other muscle for that matter. Targeting the correct muscle fibers and energy system is imperative. This means you should never enter into the aerobic phase of this exercise, ideally keeping it under 2 minutes at most.

Think of rolling a carpet and contracting fully on the top of the movement and squeeze. If you do them correctly, you shouldn't be able to do more than 30 crunches. Any more than that, and you're probably doing them half-azz, incorrectly or with a partial range of motion.

For the upper abs, focus on crunches which effectively work the abdominals better than sit-ups or any machine on the market.

For the lower abs, keep in mind there is very little muscle tissue there so decreasing levels of body fat is the most effective way to bring out the best in this area. Hanging leg raises, v-situps and reverse curls are among some of the best exercise for this region. Always make sure your pelvis curls up to maximize lower abdominal contraction during these exercises.

As far as fat loss goes, cardio, cardio, cardio. In the morning, on an empty stomach at about 70% of your maximum heart rate for about 30-45 minutes. This combined with a common sense diet will quickly shed body fat so you can actually see those abs you've developed.

I would encourage you to seek the advice and guidance of a personal trainer in your area for further education on these principles. Please ensure you start off at a very basic level for crunches and cardio if you are a beginner.

Here's a good list of ab exercises:

Other Answers:
Stop eating.
Well I am not really a fitness expert and I have no experience at all. But I think that a good workout with a balanced diet should work fine. Also, maybe u are leading a somewhat sedentary lifestyle. Try getting up to turn on the TV instead of the using the remote and that sort of things. I have heard it works.
Uhh, stopping to eat wont work at all. When in a state of starvation, the body tries to conserve the fat as they are a greater source of energy and burns down muscle tissue instead. So you wont benefit much from starving yourself. Just follow a balanced diet with lots of greenies and low fat and u know, the kind of stuff u hear in TV.
You should change your diet so that you eat less fats and less oily food, and you should start doing exercises that raise your heart rate, such as running, treadmilling, biking.

You should consult a dietician about a proper diet.
eat less carbs. bread and carbs go right to the stomach area.
try to do as many crunch exercises as possible and also consider doing various sports,not workouts,something competitive that involves the abdominal muscles as well.
I wudnt suggest u to stop eating but atleast try to cut down ur diet. lets say eat very light breakfast and lunch. Eat a good dinner but alteast 1-2 b4 u go to sleep. Avoid greasy food. eat protein rich food. and obviously continue your workout.
I had the same problem, until I realised that the only way to strengthen my stomach muscles was to work on my back first. My stomach was so weak I couldn't even do one sit up, so I concentrated on working my back first. This became really supple and strong which really helped me move on to the opposing muscles- in the abdomen.
My trainer at the gym!
It really depends on the type of workout. Try getting a personal trainer to do a consultation at your gym and show you how to do it correctly. Working out and eating right on your own is great sometimes but for the stubborn areas and plateaus, it is best to get outside help. It doesn’t have to be expensive, just a one or two time thing. Having said that, there is a lot of bad advice out there on ab workouts. Try looking online or at some of the six pack questions on this site, very helpful
Personal experience.
Here is the very bottom line on your question-others please read :) You develop fat tissue and cells from the time you are in the womb. As you gain weight, your fat cells multiply. They do not ever go away, just like any other cellular structure in your body. So, when you lose weight, they simply shrink. They are made up of oil and water. So you can see that starving yourself does not work. Each individual stores fat in certain areas and as you lose or gain, those areas shrink or grow. This is why you can NOT spot excercise an area such as thighs, stomach, butt. The muscle is there, it is just not visible if fat is over it which is where fat is store-over the musle tissue. If you can modify your diet by eating more lean meats and veggies, fruits, etc. and you lose some weight, chances are you will lose it in your stomach first and then those abs will be more visible.
certified trainer, RD.
Quite often when people try to "lose" their stomach they do situps and other stomach exercises which actually build stomach muscles that leaves them with a harder, bigger stomach. In addition, usually when combined with a strict diet, the body is tricked into storing fat and burning muscle. The secret is to increase your metabolism. This is done by eating smaller meals more often and consistent cardio work-outs. When combined with your normal stomach workouts, it will work! Give it a few weeks to "kick in" and you should be on your way, however, if you want to accomplish this quicker, pick up some hydroxycut, and take as directed in combination with the above. Goodluck!
CHeck out Pervention.com. They have a excellent 4 week Treadmill exercise program. I am in my 3rd week and have lost inches. In addition to that, I do squats and that helps my stomach, I feel it.


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