Does the depo (birth control shot) prevent you from losing weight even if you ex!

Question: Do you gain or stay the same weight no matter what from taking the depo shot? How long does it take the shot to where off?
Depo like to cause you to gain weight and you have to exercise a lot to prevent that. Depends on what type of depo you use, there are monthly shot and quarterly shot. Talk to your OB/GYN to get the correct info. Yasmin or ortho tricyclin low do not cause to gain weight but it does have a hassle that you have to take them everyday @ the same time.

Other Answers:
I don't take depot, but I know that weight gain is a side effect of it. It just depends on your body really. If you exercise enough and eat properly, most likely you'll be fine. It may take more work to lose weight if that's what you're trying to do.
I have heard it can but then I have heard this about the contraceptive pill too and this has been exposed as a myth! If you take depo injections, I would suggest care is taken with diet and exercise, as for most things, and weight gain should not be a problem.
no i gained a bunch of weight but not form the shot and i've lost 25 lbs
it depends on the person. my GYN told me that most people that are take the shot gain weight. I'm sure exercising won't hurt!
the shot wears off in 3 months.
Depo Provera itself does not cause any weight gain but it contains a hormone (progesterone) that increases appetite. Not all people gain weight with depo, but many do. It's usually a small amount, like 5lbs per year. You can still lose weight while on depo, but it could make it more difficult. I believe it takes 10-12 weeks for the hormone to completely leave your system, and 3-6 months to be able to conceive.
I'm am currently on the shot, and I did gain weight. It was because I was not exercising and depo slows down your metabolism some. So I gained 20 pounds in 3 months. When I went back for my next shot, thats when I was informed that it is so strong that the common side effects is breakthrough menstruals (cuz u don't get a period anymore), hair loss or thinning, weight gain cuz of the metabolism, and a drop in your sex drive. If you excersise, you should be fine. I lost my weight.


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