Why Do I Always Have A Runny Nose?!

Question: I always have to blow my nose. It's something I have to do year round. I've talked to doctors, but they keep saying that it's "seasonal" allergies, even when I tell them that I have to blow my nose all the time, all year long.

I always have to have several packs of tissue near me, as I'm always afraid that it'll run out. It's true that it's bad during spring, but it's pretty much always bad.

I'm currently following a pollen desensitizing treatment, but I'm near the end and there still have been no significant improvements (or changements, for that matter). Using those nose sprays doesn't work either.

Anybody have any idea what's wrong and what I can do to stop it. I hate always having to blow my nose. I've had this problem for about 7 years now.
My mum had the same problem. It turned out she had nasal pollops. I can't really tell you much about them. My mum had them quarterised, and this stopped the problem. It might be worth asking your GP?

Other Answers:
I think you have a weak immune system. You can strengthen it by exercising regularly, eating well and leading a healthy lifestyle.
I have "seasonal" allergies too and my nose is stuffy year round. I don't know what to tell you.maybe you should go back to the allergist (or whatever the name of the doc is that deals with allergies) and get tested again to see if you have any other allergies.
Read this article.


you're not the only one with this kind of problem. They have discovered its caused by a fungus and there really isn't a treatment for it yet. Good luck.
Try sniffing the mucous back down your throat. That's where it's supposed to go. In time it'll be automatic: think of the saving in tissues and the relief your poor scnoz will feel!
If the doctors you visited told you that you have seasonal allergies their probably right. Here are some sites on how to correct seasonal allergies.
Forget your doctor. I had the same problem. What you need to do is get an allergy blood and prick test. This will tell you EXACLTY what you're allergic to, and then you can go from there. Most likely it is dust or pollen. Remember that you should do an entire house cleaning at least once a month. Shampoo your carpets and such, to make sure that those seasonal pollens don't get into your nose around winter time. I had a bedroom carpet that kept me sneezing all year.
Also, you could have some milk allergies, which is what it sounds like. Try avoiding dairy for a while.
Last, see a specialist for allergies. Your doctor will always tell you it's "seasonal".
I went to three doctors, my right eyes would swell up like I'd been punched and I'd be sneezing uncontrollably.prick test.elergic to tomato pollen and pear trees. (I lived next to both)
My husband also had "uncurable" exema on his hands. Prick test, found out he's allergic to beef products and certain kinds of dust and mold. Knowing these things really helps.

On a rare occaision there is a condition in the formation of the nose that causes blockage. A friend of mine had this (not sure what it's called) but he said the surgery cost more then it was worth.


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