is there a cure for manic depression, aside from prescriptive medicines like pro!

30-45 minutes of moderate excercise each day, preferably around others or in a group activity. Unfunded and unpublished research (because it doesn't benefit drug companies) hint that it might be equally as effective as prozac!

Other Answers:
you might want to try st johns wart it is a herbal form of depression drug. it boosts the chemicals in your body that are low and cause you to be depressed. exercise will help to boost other chemicals to make it easier for the drug to be taken into your blood stream. at the end of the day there is no CURE for depression but you can beat it by balencing out the low chemicals in your body
If your a scientologist get thee some vitamins!

Seriously, I have suffered from manic depression and I found that diet and rigorous exercise help. And I mean rigorous - at least 2 hours of hard core a day. Try to focus on goal like a triathlon. They are intense people and are somewhat manic depressive themselves so you will feel comfortable in their company.
If its from obesity do something now! (diet,exercise,doctor checkup)
If its other that obesity try a new hobby or better a new sport. Sport types such as Taebo, martial arts, defensive sports require a lot of concentration and dedication. Only the sense alone of belonging to a group that works to achieve something together, can help you.
If you are not the sport type try at least walk or swim but do join some type of activity. (even a puzzle group or painting lessons)
Try to search yourself about the problem that might cause this depression, try to solve it or find help if you cannot. Even Help from the Law if it is that serious.

Do not give up! Do not be weak! You are wonderful and can be strong and beautiful/handsome! Show others what you can accomplish!


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