Are sodas fattening?!

Question: I've been gaining weight since I graduated highschool about a year ago. I weighed about 165 when I graduated, but I weigh around 215-220 now. I'm wondering if it could be the fact that I drink just Mountain Dew (mainly), or Dr. Pepper (at restaurants where Dew isn't available), or Pepsi (when I"m in the mood)? Or is it just that I'm a full time student and don't have time except to eat at McDonalds or other fast food joints..

Help loosing weight? I'd appreciate any suggestions. Please no suggestions to eat vegetarian foods though..I'm not much into that kind of stuff.

Thanks in advance.

Yes, Mark, it is! I don't know if they would let this post, but join

Other Answers:
think it might also have something to do with the fact that you only have time to eat at McDonalds and other fast food places?.but yea soda is very fattening especially mountain dew
Cut out your sugar, meaning sodas with sugar, cakes etc - once you cut down the sugar intake you will see weight loss.
Sodas have alot of sugar and carbs in them.
Sodas are like liquid candy that you consume, when you eat at resturants,parties anywhere they are just no good>>>>
fattening depends on exactly what you ate. so look at the label and the food you ate with the soda. less regular added sugar is always good, taste the real soda flavor.
wieght is wieght, along with age and upward growth.
Fast food is evil, stay away from it. I bought a sprite a few weeks ago when I was taking an evening class because all the other drinks were empty and happened to look at the label. 38 grams of put this in perspective, a Miller Lite beer has about 3.1 grams and people are always squawking about how many carbs beer has. I was floored.One regular sprite has as many carbs as about 12 or so beers! Carbs do make you fat, stay away and eat lean protein.
The fast food is very bad for you. But if you can just cut out the soft drinks, and drink water or artificially sweetenend tea, you will lose some weight. If you want to really be healthy, you need to try to lay off of the fast food as much as possible.
Yes, sodas are very fattening since there are all sugar! However, soda alone may not be the only reason why you are gaining weight. There are many trendy diets in the market (Atkins, South Beach, Zone) that have proven to be successful for "some" people. The program with the highest rate of success is Weight Watchers--but it is hard to do it in college. Check out the atkins diet, you may like it since you can eat a lot of everything!

PS: If you can not follow a diet, then practice a sport!
Please try fresh lime water/ soda . If you dont get it in the restaurant carry it along. It helps digestion and is natural source of Vitamin C.
Happy living !

Ciao greenfarmer
No fast food, drink water instead of soda. You will lose weight.
It's both, but the diet is definitely bad. Look at the back of the coke. 50 grams of sugar or something. x4 calories/gram = 200 calories in a coke with no nutritional benefit. that's one can. in a restaurant, those big drinks with refils might equal 2-3 cans. 600 calories.
you gain weight when your body takes in more calories than you burn. so if you eat regular meals that might equal 2500 calories just from the food. however, add the cokes, now you might be 3500 or so. you might just burn 2500/day. so 1000 calories/day is being turned into fat for future use.

however, you are eating mcd's so a big mac supersize meal might be 1250 calories. so 3 of those might get you in the 3700 calorie range.

my buddy was 410 calories, then he started eating diet cokes and subway with no bread and he cut down to 260 (he's 6'4") in about 3 weeks.

oh yeah, do more exercise. walk 30 minutes a day or walk to school. take the stairs, no elevators. park far away from the store, etc.
Soda can make you can weight for two reasons, the sugar and the sugar turns into fat, plus soda has a lot of sodium in it! Sodium will cause you to retain water which adds extra weight to your body as well.

Now as far as the fast food thing..that doesn't help any.
Remember this, it's not what you eat, it's how much you eat.

I have lost weight and I eat fast food. Not all of the time, but for the most part, I do.
I don't eat the fries , if I do, I get the small size. I don't eat them everyday.

I eat chicken instead of beef most of the time. Sometimes I just have a salad. Salads in fast food restaurants for the most part are very good. :)

I avoid the milkshakes, I might have one on occasion, but if I do it is a small one.

Don't over indulge yourself. Enjoy a dessert every once in a while, but not everyday of the week ,drink plenty of water and excercise.

There is no magic to losing weight, it is just a matter of common sense and learning how to control your food portions and to excercise regulary. It takes a lot of discipline and hard work. If you do it correctly, you should lose an average of 2 pounds a week. That's 8 pounds a month.

You have to keep at it, it's not good for you to lose weight and then gain it back and lose it.
Once you start and you start noticing the results, you will do what you can to keep gaining the weight back:)

Oh Yes, fad diets are not the key and neither are diet pills, they do us more harm than good and often times when you start eating normal again, your body will put the pounds back on pretty fast,because often times with the fad diets, you are taking something away from your body that it needs. For example carbs .
Lost over 70 pounds. Advice given by my doctor:)
Soda is very high in calories. A can of Coke is about 350 or so calories. Soda also is high in sugar. Plus the calories in soda are empty calories because they contribute nothing to fueling your body. Mountain Dew has the highest amount of sugar of all sodas.

McDonald's is also VERY high in calories and fat. It has been stated that their french fries are one of the worst foods to eat, EVER.

If you REALLY want to lose weight and are serious about it, you have to change your eating habits. To lose weight you have to burn more calories than you consume. Try exercising more, even if it is just little things. (take the stairs when you can, park your car farther so you can walk, etc)

To help change your eating habits start with little things and cut calories where you can. Switch to diet soda, eat half of your dinner at least 3-4 times a week, etc. If you eat at mcdonald's, try something on the menu with less calories like the grilled chicken breast, and skip the fries.
personal experience. 20 lbs down and counting..


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