what kind of doctor to see for narolepsy?!

Question: i need to know what kind of doctor to see for narcolesy i need a specialist.
You would see a Neurologist. As it is Neurological disorder.

Other Answers:
if it's "narcolepsy", see a sleep-disorder specialist. Generally, they work out of clinics and deal with apnea mostly.
lol is that the one where u can .....zzzzzzzz..

(fall asleep at any given moment)

thats funny!
I would see a neurologist. But sometimes you need a referal so see your primary care physician first.
I actually have narcolepsy, for about two years now. You need to see a neurologist and the best one you can. It is still a very new topic in the medical world and not a lot of people have it. There are multiple things that go along with narcolepsy, so you want to be sure you get the best help available. You will need to do a sleep clinic overnight and during the day. It's not that bad but a little uncomfortable. The results don't take that long and there a more medicines being developed every day.
My ex-husband has narcolepsy and it's not a laughing matter. His falling asleep constantly is one of the reasons we got divorced. I finally got him in to see a neurologist, who referred him to a sleep specialist. He went for a sleep study and viola! they diagnosed him with narcolepsy. It's more common in males than females and generally starts in young adulthood. It's extremely important to get help as there are good medications out there to help the snoozing.my ex was having car accidents (6, not serious, thank GOD!) caused by falling asleep behind the wheel. He was also very "good" at waking up but would "still be in a daze" and he would attack and hurt me while he was in this stage of awake/asleep. No doctor would diagnose this as part of narcolepsy but it happened ALOT with him (I divorced him because of this). Still, our cars were wrecked and he was lying about having the accidents and he would sit anywhere and fall asleep.one time he even fell asleep WALKING! Yes, he actually did fall into a 6 foot hole during this episode! The sleep study isn't scary either, not nearly as scary as falling asleep walking. They just hook you up to machines via wires and you fall asleep. As a bystander, I found this all extremely interesting. Good luck!
Personal (and painful) experience.


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