I'm currently on Zoloft write now and my doctor prescribed Paxil CR. I had asked!

Question: wean myself off of the zoloft before taking Paxil but he had told me that because I was on such a small dose (25mgs) a day that I could start taking Paxil the next day. Does that sound correct? Any info would be greatly appreciated.
Yes. I was on Zoloft and I actually just stopped taking it. I too was on such a small dosage that it did't effect me in any way. I now take Lexapro and love it. Ask your doctor about that it has less side effects than all other anxiety/depression medicine.

Other Answers:
Personally, I wouldn't take Zoloft. It's a horrible antidepressant. I took it for 8 months, was doing great and then it all of a sudden stopped working and I almost committed suicide because of it. I ended up in the hosipital and everything. Don't take Zoloft.
Yes, that does sound right to me. 25mg is a very small dose. Just switch like he said. But remember, with these antidepressants it takes a good 3+ wks to start noticing the full results, so be patient.
Been there, done that, as well as having some drug knowledge due to being an RN.
First, why the change?

Antidepressants and begin to lose affect. i.e. if you take Prozac your body stops getting the release it needs and then they may need to raise the dose, or if you are already taking too much, a new drug will most likely help. (this is my guess on why the change)

25mg doesn't sound like that small does to me, unless it is not everyday. They can come as low as 5 mg a day. that is what i would call low. You should go to webMD.com and ask there.

so my opinion:

If the drugs have stopped working, then you have nothing to lose by going onto this new drug without weaning.

The HUGE disclaimer here:

No one is the same, and this doctor is not a mind reader nor does he know everything. You on the other hand know yourself. Should you feel huge mood swings and thoughts of suicide, you need to talk to him ASAP! Killing yourself is serious stuff and there is no turning back. So no matter how you do this, to stay on or switch, you need to be 100% honest with yourself on how you are feeling and be as honest with the Doc. as humanly possible.
Been there, done that. Lived to tell about it.
I took Zoloft with Paxill for years, you are safe.
I feel your doctor gave you sound advice because I was on Zoloft and I really did not like the way it made me feel. You were on a small dose and that dosage can be out of your system within 24hours.


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