What is the Youngest age to test for Attention Defecit Disorder?!

acually Nick more kids get ADD everyday. There was this boy i know he was 8 when he got treated for it now he takes pills because he became out of control. (sorry to disagree)

Other Answers:
I wouldn't test. Kids don't need drugs to calm them down, they just need more activities in their life. Some of those drugs can become a problem and the kids will think that have a problem and then hate themselves.
If tested before the age of 5, it is typically not valid, as the toddler's brain is still growing. While age 5 is the earliest you can get an accurate test, take it with some grain of salt, and continue looking into it for a couple more years just to be sure, because as you surely know, all people are different. Genetics may play a part as well.
Sister is a psychologist with emphasis on childhood psychology.
5, I just had my 5 yr. old son tested. He doesn't have it! But I wanted to be sure cause I have a 10 yr. daughter who does, and she was tested at age6.
Just try to spend more one on one time with the child, drugs are not cool for kids, even if they are legal. You don't want to mess with the brain chemistry of a growing child and that is what these drugs for add/adhd do. They make alot of kids listless and depressed. I'd rather have a happy hyper kid, than a somber quiet depressed kid any day. And yes, I am speaking from first hand experience, my son was put on ritalin when he was 8 for a short time and it changed who he was so I took him off.


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