whats the best way to drop the nicotine habit (without) using money?!

Question: i meant to put without the first time
Don't buy anything with nicotine.

Other Answers:
Congratulations for wanting to quit smoking!

The American Cancer Society and The Truth About Tobacco have advice about quitting. I suggest contacting them.

I have taught a few people how to quit smoking, and it basically comes down to this: avoid doing the habits that lead to cravings. For example, if you usually smoke after breakfast, drink some grapefruit juice immediately after breakfast. The new flavor in your mouth will undermine the after-breakfast flavors that usually lead to smoking. You can also do this with cinnamon mouthwash. Of course, it goes without saying that you also need to get rid of all of your tobacco paraphernalia from your house and possessions. Also, figure out something you can do instead of smoking: taking walks, volunteering your time in a community program, something like that. I've also heard that it helps to take large amounts of Vitamin C.

I'm so glad you've decided to quit! I'm behind you 100%!


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