what is the fastest why to get rid of a cold?!

A few years ago, a new natural product hit the market. It's called AIRBORNE and was developed by a second-grade teacher. It is amazing. It is best to take it when you first notice symptoms. I have used it several times with excellent results. I have also given it to my family members and they too have had their "cold time" greatly reduced.

I also take 1000 mg C in the morning and another dose 12 hours later.


Other Answers:
at the first sign of a cold, try something called "Airborne"- not sure of spelling. It's supposed to lessen the symptoms. I think it's worked for me- I try it whenever I feel the early signs (sore throat)- and I never seem to get bad colds anymore.
If you don't treat it, it will take 10 days. If you take aspirin, drink plenty of fluids, and rest, it will only take a week and 3 days.
Get zinc tablets but do NOT take them on an empty stomach. And take vitamin C until your symptoms subside. You will see results within 24 hours. Drink lots of fluids and plan to blow your nose a lot. It will help it dry out.
Believe it or not, go for a long, fast walk in cold weather. This always clears all the "stuff" from my head. Repeat as necessary.
Yahoo Health and webmd can help. I however have been told to act like you don't have a cold, and you basically will forget it. Just a neat little trick I learned. Does it work, usually no, yet sometimes.


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