I just bought a Jack Lalane Juicer. I want to lose about 20 lbs. Is juicing a!

Yes it is. It is part of an overall lifestyle change you will need to make in order to lose 20 lbs and keep it off.

Juicing is good because -

1. You probably have a compromised intestine. Most of us have compromised intestines as a result of less than optimal food choices over many years. This limits your body's ability to absorb all the nutrients from the vegetables. Juicing will help to "pre-digest" them for you so you will receive most of the nutrition rather than having it go down the toilet.

2. You need to eat one pound of raw vegetables per 50 pounds of body weight per day. Vegetable juicing allows you to accomplish this, as you can eat more vegetables than you would normally. By incorporating the juice into your eating plan you will easily be able to reach this goal.

3. Nobody wants to eat that many salads. If you eat the vegetables like a salad then you will be having far too many salads. This violates the principle of regular food rotation and increases your chance of developing an allergy to a certain food.

Other Answers:
As long as you include exercise it will work. Only drinking the juice will do no good, as you'll be taking in a lot of sugar that will need to be burnt up by exercise or it will eventually be stored as excess fat.
Juicing can be part of a weight loss plan, but a successful plan is really an overall lifestyle change. If you depend on only one thing to accomplish it, be it drinking juice, avoiding carbs, or whatever, any success will most likely be temporary.

I advise writing up your goal and a practical plan to follow it, with juicing as part of this plan. Make it non-threatening, realistic, and suited to your lifestyle. If you make an unrealistic plan, you're doomed to failure.

If you blow the plan, don't use that as an excuse to give up. Just start again the next day. If you develop a good plan, it will modify your eating and exercise habits for the rest of your life.and you'll lose the weight and keep it off.

Good luck!

Dr. Barb Nefer, http://www.bnlifeskills.com
I bought one too!
It is good
Yes, "juicing" is a great way to stimulate your digestive system and cleanse out toxins. Just remember though, that juice isn't "free" calories. You still need to keep track of the calories you are ingesting via the juice. Congrats on a great choice.now use the darn thing.it works! :)


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