what is your position on the drug exstacy?!

Question: i dont do drugs tho!
I will be the honest one here, I have tried exctacy numerous times and am proud to say i am drug free for over a year. The high itself was great, although everyone says your so loving on it I seemed to be distant, it depends on what type of pill you get there are really speedy ones that make you want to move until you've sweated out all your fluids and then there are the ones that are really dopey (opiates, herion ect.) and they make your body feel really good. But a few years back I had some nerve problems in my face, i had mri's and cat scans done on my brain and they found calcium deposits that weren't supposed to be there. When calcium forms on your brain it makes that part of your brain incapable of working, Im not brain dead or anything and if you met me on the street you would never know. I am 24 and have an 8 year old son and realized getting high and risking my life was not fair to me and especially him. What I have is not life threatening but I wasn't going to keep doing it and find out if it could be. My advise honestly a year ago I would have said "hell yeah" but now you don't know what people are putting in their stuff. Stay away from it! It will mess up your natural serotonin levels and you'll feel like crap afterwards anyway, not really worth it! But, its your choice, think wisely!

Other Answers:
It is dangerous and stupid,leads to death. You gotta be high on life :)
My position on it is that I am not on it. :-)

I think there is so much great stuff in life to get high on, why would someone need drugs?

CSI - Common Sense Imran
overall a dangerous drug, simply because most pills in general are hard to verify as being genuine. who knows what he is really selling you, or what someone sold him, if the chemist knew what he was doing, etc. even if you get the real thing, it has lasting affects on the brain, and when combined with alcohol can be fatal. it is wonderful, when in full force, but not worth it ultimately.
The problems of ecstasy are well documented. It does have a damaging effect on the brain; read about ragsvegas' personal experience. It breaks down parts of the brain, and causes irreversible damage. Is that worth the joy of a few raves? You decide. But choose wisely. you have to live with the consequences.
Uhh.what ragsvegas said. Once, on TV, they took a brain scan (I think it was a CAT scan, it was whichever one shows color where there is brain activity) of a normal, healthy, human brain, and there was green, and red, and orange colors of brain activity all over the brain. Then they took a brain scan of this girl on ecstasy, and there were a couple of blue and purple spots in one or two small areas of the brain, the rest was all black. You'd really have to see it, anyways my stand is never do drugs.
Every adult should have the legal right to consume it, and no adult should choose to excercise this right.


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