what do you think about tattoos?!

If you like them, then get one. I think its a great way to express yourself. Just dont follow some trend when you get it. Design it yourself.

Other Answers:
Personally I don't like them. They're not worth so much pain. Most people do it in their early ages and regret it later. If you want to prove your love, you don't need a tattoo for that. All you need to do is tell them with your heart. If you want to show a symbolism of someone in the past, you don't need to harm your body. Would they want you to harm your body to remember them? If they do, then are they even WORTH remembering? The tattoo really isn't worth it. I prefer to be without a little birdie tattoo on my left buttcheek commemorating my last boyfriend. But that's just me of course.
Tats are good if you are getting them for yourself and not to follow the crowd, pick one that has meaning to you, I got one to cover a scar that I was self conscious about for years, (a Broad sword with some magic coming out if it, since I'm a big fantasy fan)
It all depends where on your body you get the tattoo. People will judge you too depending on where you live, what you do for a living etc. For example I'm a guy and I have 2 tattoos on my neck. Very visible. Certain girls love them. Others I scare. I had to go to court for a traffic ticket. They judged me based on me having tattoos. Everyone at the bar I work at has tattoos and it's totally accepted. Know that it will effect others outlook on you, and if you seriously care what people think now and forever either do it or don't. Either get a hidden one or go for it. I'd start with a hidden one. Take your time. Think carefully too what you get as a design. Will you still like it 10, 20 years from now?
I have two right now, and an appointment to get another soon, I think they are wonderful way to express yourself, but like everyone else said dont fallow a crowed, to do it, do it for your self and always get something you know you are gonna want to look at everytime you turn around, if not then you are gonna have something there you dont want to see, and I think you should design your own to, I know my artist does not copy a picture ever, if you want something , you tell him, if there is a picture of what you want, then he changes it, so its more you. also, he never puts the same tattoo on another person, so if someone were to walk into his parlor, and want lets say my fairy on my mushroom, he would have to change something about it to make it more idividual.
so i think if you want a permenant memory of something do it. if not then dont
I like them. If you want to get one, go for it. I won't lie, it did hurt! It kinda felt like it was on fire. In the end it was worth it, but do create your own idea. I have 3 all together. Every tattoo on ever person is NOT "for somebody" they mean all different things to people.
Love 'em. I have two, upper back between my shoulder blades ( a faerie) and lower back (chain of daisies). Third one will be a dragonfly on my right ankle. The lower back was fine, the upper part of the moon on my faerie made me twinge for a bit. I describe the feeling as maybe taking a push pin and dragging it on your skin. Many people shudder at that description though.lol All depends on your tolerance to pain. (My best friend has 3, a gal I work with has 13)

If you're considering getting one, make sure you go to a clean, reputable artist! Life long diseases can be transmitted through dirty tattoo needles!
i think there wrong the bible talks bout them it says there not rite so i dont like them
the bible
Personally, I like them. Just like all the rest have stated - Don't get one to follow a crowd, or a trend, or to try & prove your love to someone. Also don't get something because it's popular today..What's popular today may be outdated tomorrow. Getting a GF's/wife's name on you is a bad idea regardless how much you love her. You never truly know what may happen & it end, yet you still be stuck with her name on you (Like my aunt's Ex husband!). Deciding a design for a tattoo is serious! It will be with you all your life, unless you decide to get it removed which would cost & hurt even more.Choose something that's very dear to you, something you will always love, & will always be special to you. (like for example: your child's name).but that's just my opinion..
I don't have any, but I love them on others. I have dated a few girls with tattoos. One had stars, another had full sleeves on both arms and her back and another with minor ones.
I think that tatoos are a way of expressing yourself. I preticulary don't like them but many people do. I think that once you get one that it is there to stay with you forever and for always! When you get old and wrinkly or gain or lose weight it effects the tattoo. It will make the tattoo that was special not as important. It will make it sag or get bigger! I know that as my grandfather got a tattoo when he was 17 and after that he wish he would not have got it. Well I hope this helped you!


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