How long does it take for symptoms of liver failure to be present?!

Question: I overdosed on tylonal 3 about a month and a half ago, presently I feel great, I've changed my ways and become I still at risk of liver failure?
Liver failure from overdosing on tylenol happens acutely, meaning that if it has been a month ago and it did not happen, it will never happen. You are ok.

Other Answers:
The liver is a tough organ; I suppose that given its job as Chief Waste-Filterer, it needs to be tough. I lost a friend to liver cancer a few years back; he showed no symptoms until just a few months before his death.

Congratulations on your comeback, but don't get cocky now; see your doctor and do what s/he tells you. Good luck.
well done , now go and find all the medical stuff out


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