How much is considered overweight for a 10 yr. old kid? I weigh 70.?!


Depends on your height, but. if you're ten years old. go watch some cartoons, play outside, torment your siblings. Do kid stuff. Don't worry about your bloody weight!

Be healthy. Eat right. Be active. But I hereby forbid you to worry about your weight again until you're twenty-five!

For whatever this complete stranger's advice is worth. be a kid while you can.

Other Answers:
fcuk, you are obese in that case darl (thats if your talking kilograms).

70 what, pounds?? I think that sounds about right.I was lots more than that when I was your age and I am normal weight now! Don't worry about it!!

youre in the 60th percetile.dont worry about it.
i have a growth and weight chart on my pc.keping track of my 9 yr old 89 lbs

ask a doctor not these people. you will get dumb answers from people who get a kick out of telling other people that they are fat. There is a range of healthy weight for ll ages and heights. Ask a doctor to know for sure. and if you are concerned- try to eat healthy and exercise a little each day and you will be fine. Many kids goes through heavy or light times, it will all even out by the time you are in highschool or at puberty if you are eatting healthy foods and being active

don't be silly, obesity is determined by height and weight formula called BMI, and I have a 11 yr old who is close to 100 lbs and she is not fat at all


well my 9yo daughter weighs around 60 lbs. and 48 1/4". she is normal and very lean. built like a gymnast.

so if you are taller by a few inches then I am sure you are the right weight. ask your pediatrician and they will tell you your percentile- that will tell you where you fall in proportion to your peers.

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