What is the best way can I lose my big stomach and 30 pounds? Please help and!


First, your gonna need to be disaplined and determined.

The easyiest way to do this is:
1. The belly.
A. Don't sit down for at least one hour after eating.
B. Don't drink soda / beer.
C. Your gonna need some sit ups, I have an ab roller, I noticed results after 2 weeks.

2. 30 pounds.
A. One important thing is don't eat anything 5 hours prior to bed. You burn a lot of calories when your sleeping and wont even feel hungry.
B. You are gonna wake up hungry. Take this time to chow down. It's best to eat starchy foods in the morning because they burn off easy.
C. Keep lunch and dinner reasonable. Don't starve your self but, don't over fill your self either. Eat only till your reasonably full.
D your gonna need cardio at least 3x per week. I sugest swimming because it works every muscle in your body at the same time. Also you don't have to deal with the j/o's at the gym.

Your gonna get hungry during the day / in between meals, be sure you are drinking 5-8 glasses of water per day and if you get hungry, protien shakes or bars are good because there is no fat in them.

The Idea is to adjust to proper eating habbits w/o becomming a rabbit or annerexic. The exercize will trim the pounds and I sugest keeping your ab work out even thoe it hurts. A belly is easy to get but, hard to loose.

Stay focused and don't be hard on yourself. Remember, this stuff takes time. People who lose weight fast, blow right back up because they go back to their same habbits.

Other Answers:
Some people burlartedfedfdg of fat people except me. Go for the medixcal fat fat fat fat fat fat fat fat fat fat fat fat peple hospital. hahahahahahahahahahahahaha

workout eat healthy don't drink alchol if you can and watch calories and fat grams on the foods you eat

Diet baby. and workout!

Eat right and drink lots of water. As a matter of fact, drink up to three liters a day. If you drink a lot of water after you eat, think about what happens to that food. It gets diluted, making it easier for your digestive system to take over and prevent it from turning into fat.

And don't forget: three meals a day are bad for you. Eat small portions throughout the day, it'll increase your metabolism.

i agre with Hownows.

The best way is to start losing weight is to do aerobics/cardio. The cardio will help you to lose some weight, then you may want to add a weight workout later in order to tone up. Though no matter how much exercise you do, your diet is the primary thing to focus on. The reason for this is; if you go to the gym and burn 500 calories, then you go home and have a hamburger, fries and a soda you just consumed, roughly, the same amount you worked off at the gym.

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