what is the little white balls people cough up sometimes is it out of the lungs?!


i thought it was just food out of the digestive system but i don't know for sure

Other Answers:

Dude stop swallowing your boyfriend! that stuff just gets caught in your thoat!

Mucus. It's a natural occurance. If you have allergies or a chest cold, mucus forms in the lungs. Cough it up and spit it out. You will be fine.

Hahahaha. I can tell you right now that its a damn lie if you were told it makes your hair shiny.

Um.I'm perty sure that you are talking about Fl-ems But i dont think that they are only from your lungs but its also from sinuses. When ur conjested and stuff. Hope this helps :)

Mucus. It happens sometimes when you have a cold and you eat a warm food.
Personal Experience

phlem? comes from lungs, aka. smokers

You shouldn't be coughing up balls of stuff, any stuff! It sounds like you have an infection. Make an appointment with your doctor before it gets worse.

its from that back of the throat, its plaque

MUCUS (i have asthma)

You're the first person I ever heard mention that. That happens to me too! I think it comes from the throat. They have a bad smell too if you ever noticed. I asked my doctor once and she looked at me like I was crazy!
Stupid doctors.
If you find out, let me know!


it is made up of food and other product that has been metabolized by the bacteria in your mouth and other parts of your digestive tract.it is similiar to the plaque on your teeth

They're known as tonsil stones

I know what you mean. I don't think it is mucus. It is more firm. It is also flavorless, unlike mucus. It happens to me every once in a while. BB size pellets.

Oh Jesus dont listen to everything you hear ok, its NOT CANCER. It bacteria forming on the back of your throat, you can call it "tonsill plauque". Take a look in a mirror with a flashlight aiming towards the back of your throat, you will most likely see more of them. Medical opinion, use Listerine 4x's daily, Im no MD but I am a C.N.A who is currently in school for L.P.N, and who has had this problem myself in the past. If you have sore throats that come along with the whole white ball experince, make an appoinment with your MD and share your concerns.

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