Can you have a baby vaginal if you had a c-section 5 years ago?!


depends on your reason why the c-section was performed and if your doctor feels it is safe for you to have a v-bac as its called "vaginal birth after c-section", i had one post c-section and my kids were 6 years apart so first ask your gynocologist what they feel is best then u decide what u want to do for your birth of your baby. either way they both are beautiful and memorable experience's

wish u the best

Other Answers:
it is most likely it is called a VAC vaginal delivery after a c-section. talk to your dr. but usually it is fine.

Yes you can! But if you had to have a c-section before changes are you will still have to have a c-section this time.

Yes but there's always a risk of tearing, ask ur doctor or midwife

I'd think it depends on why you needed C-section 5 years ago. I've heard some women can. Check with ob-gyn.

Yes you can.Here is the order I had my children.

yes you most certanly can I did I had 3 children after a c-section.Good Luck

if you are pregnant check with dr. i had a c-section then a vaginal delivery 4 years later..its called a vbac-vaginal birth after c-section

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