i cant tell if things really happeded or they are just a dream help!!?!

i know a dream is just a dream but if i see a person that i dreamt about i dont know if the situation relly happeded or the conversation or is it just a dream that im remembering when i seee them .what will i do .if i dream somthing bad or if i lost something i wake up with frights
the same thing happens to me too.

Other Answers:
that happens to me aswell. go to a hypnotist, it will help.

If its a good dream it may be Nirvana.

yuo know that happens to alot of people just ask people if this happen and if they say no then u know that it was just a dream!!

just be careful about whats real, and whats not. Try to think, that did NOT happen. So, you dont get confused.

Sounds like you need to seek counseling.

Happens all the time

dasavoo i think thats how u spell it

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