For how long can brewed n ready to drink green tea be kept hot without any effec!


The Japanese uses special tea clay pot for brewing of green tea. It's said that water temperature is important and should be kept at 165-170 degree F (73-76 C) for best taste and nutritional value.
Most of our green teas are brewed at 1 heaping teaspoon (5 grams) per 8 ounces of water, but this can vary depending on the tea.
The easiest and the fastest way I normally do was to use one tea bag to a cup. Heat water with conventional kettle and stops when the first few small bubbles surfaces, pour water into the cup and infuse tea bag for about 2 minutes.
Open lid and enjoy the first steam of aroma before sipping to taste. I personally thought it was just as good.

My Cup of tea.

Other Answers:
coffee brewed is good for couple hours. so probably the same for tea.

The majority of food loses or gains nutritional value depending on how it is prepared, not for how long it is left standing - allowed to cool. Green tea can be drunk hot or cold. Although it is recommended that you drink it hot, because you can't really get a good taste of something when it is scolding your tongue.

Green tea is very similar to English tea drink from freshly don't brew it kills the tea. tree's from the UK.

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1 hour and 49 mins and 11 sec
my grampa is an expert in green tea

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