can u be pregnant and still have a period?!


Yes you most certainly can. Some women bleed periodically during the entire pregnancy. See your doctor if it concerns you and he/she will set your mind at ease. As for it being a period, technically it is not as the walls of the uterus do not break down and shed etc as there is a child growing in there. The bleeding is from a different source, again talk with your doctor on this.

Hope this help.

Craig - Naturopath

Other Answers:
no, it's impossible.

yes you can, my wife has had hers for 3 months while sh was pregnant.

the answer is yes, BUT your period will not be normal, it would be more like spotting. This is especially true if you may be 50 pounds or more over weight. If you think you may be pregnant but a kit, they are inexpensive and believe it or not, the Doctors offices use the same thing.

If it happens it's not normal and you will lose your baby.

Sonia from eastenders

Many women report getting what seem like regular periods during early pregnancy. How can this be? First of all, it helps to realize that since the hormones of pregnancy totally prevent ovulation, the bleeding is not truly a menstrual period, but rather early pregnancy bleeding. That said, the perception of having a menstrual period (or more than one) in early pregnancy can confuse the due date and delay some pregnant women from seeking appropriate and timely medical care.

yes you can you could be still producing eggs on the other side remember you have two

no way,it's impossible.
i can guarantee my answer.


Bleeding in pregnancy is not normal but does happen and does not always mean you will loose your pregnancy. You should consult your doctor and get a scan to ensure there is not a concern for the baby/placenta. and rest whilst bleeding.

yes, but it may not be good for the baby

It is NOT possible to have a normal menstrual period when you have a viable gestation in the uterus. You can have bleeding that is usually precipitous of a miscarriage. Note the color of the blood. If it is brown, it is considered "old blood" and can be resolved with bed rest and pelvic inactivity. If it is bright red, then you need to seek the attention of a physician as soon as possible! Steps can taken to possibly prevent a miscarriage.
12 years of working OB/GYN

yes you can, believe it or not. a friend of mine's mom had a baby a year ago and had no clue that she was pregnant because she was still having periods and didn't show at all and went full term. and the way she found out she was pregnant.she went to the er with stomach pains which turned out to be labor and soon had the baby. so yeah you can. and its not really that rare

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