Hi I was trying to find a way t gain weight natrually in my brest and hips witho!

whats a woman to do who dont want to be skinny I gain weight but not the kind weight I want. I weigh 110 pounds, and I want to weight 130 pounds how can I do this with a little help please some body let me no the secerct.
Skinny does not equal good health or muscle tone.
Being skinny can be a big problem because it tricks your mind into thinking you dont have to workout or eat healthy. I am a fitness pro and some of my clients with the highest blood pressure or with surprisingly high body fat were women who weighed under 110 lbs.

When you are thin thank God for your fast metabolism and then use it to your advantage. Do some type of cardio and resistance training 2-4 times a week this is what will help you tone up. Eat a balanced diet and drink plenty of water, and you wont just be skinny, you will have a super healthy body.

You always want to increase weight with muscle weight. You have to slow your metabolism a little and increase the intensity of your workouts. Honestly if you only want to gain muscle You need to up your daily calorie intake, which includes proteins fats and carbs.

Proteins will help you build muscle but dont overdo it, meaning dont go stock up on peanut butter and tuna cans. Only so much protein can be used by your body a day the rest goes undigested to a degree.

Also make sure you get your proteins from vegetables as well as meats. Yes vegetables, you would be surprised how many bodybuilders are vegetarians. Legumes (beans), Leafy green vegetables have proteins as well as whole grains (rice). When eaten in combination vegetables and whole grains containing proteins can form whats called a complete protein which is better used by your body to build muscle.

Building muscle in your workouts requires high intensity resistance training, so if you havent been lifting weights build up to it gradually. Taking longer rests between your sets will allow more muscle fibers to be built, and drink plenty of water.

As far as supplements go, everything God put on this earth for you to eat works just as well as any supplement. All supplements do is try to give you what you can get from your food and give you results you get from hard work and smart eating. Supplements have way to many side effects to be worth it.

Other Answers:
age Its called middle age spread and you get it when you hit 40.

I'm in the same boat you're in. I really want to gain weight fast but there is honestly no fast way to gain weight. Some people are hard gainers which means it's hard for them to put on any extra weight. In other cases you may be genetically predisposed to be a certain size as far as weight and height goes. I've tried drinking Ensure in between meals, as well as other weight gain supplements. I even tried Suplimed Nutrients (www.suplimednutrients.com). They have weight gain supplement shakes that taste pretty good. It worked for awhile but it's kind of expensive so once I stopped buying it the weight I did gain didn't stay on for long. I know you've probably heard this before but you'll have to gradually increase your daily caloric intake in order to gain weight. Try increasing your carb and protein intake by eating red meats, breads, rice, and pastas. Add cheese to certain foods to give it more calories. Put bananas in your milkshakes, and a couple of extra scoops of ice cream. Be sure not to skip any meals and snack in between meals on fruits, granola bars, yogurts, etc. You'll also want to exercise regularly in order to evenly spread any weight you do gain and to keep in shape. I wish you the best of luck, I hope this helps!

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