im depressed and i dont kno how to pull myself out of it..any suggestions?!


Take a nice bubble bath, do your hair and make up, and dress in something fun. It sounds lame, but trust's a start. Next call a friend or family member and go out and grab a bite. DO NOT DRINK ALCOHOL!! Alcohol is a depressant and will only make matters worse. Finally, meet your friend out at your favorite restaurant and let them know what's going on. Try to resolve the reason behind your depression.

You are NOT alone. Seek comfort from friends, family, and/or professionals if needed. Again, it is important to stay away from "mood altering" substances such as alcohol.

Good luck, I wish you well.

Other Answers:
Exercise. Vigorous exercise.

I would suggest getting yourself out and about in the world and doing something nice for someone else. That always helps me to cheer up. Donate old clothes to the goodwill nearest you or call an old friend and chat. Make thank you cards for those that have helped you to achieve your goals or better anyone with anything to make you feel better. Good luck!

Yeah! Be thankful that you are alive and get out and do new things, visit friends, family, etc. life goes on. :)

if you´ve been depressed for longer than a week or two, you should talk to a counselor, especially if you know the reason why you´re depressed (death of a friend, family member, etc.). if you don´t have specific reasons for being depressed, you might have a chemical imbalance. talk to a doctor about it; he or she will be able to tell you if medicine might help in that case.

i also agree with fusciahedgehog. exercise has been shown in some cases to be more effective than medication in treating low-level depression. (a friend of mine studied biokinetics and told me about that one)

Everybody gets in a rut sometimes and feels like they're going nowhere. What you need to do is something that you enjoy doing and have fun with it, for example, if you enjoy drawing, sit outside under a tree and relax and enjoy yourself by drawing, or work out, or go to the beach. Do something fun, that will lift your spirits. Hanging out with friends is also great.

talk 2 a counsler they can help

Try to get into some things that are strenuous like going to the gym every day for a good workout or running. Excersize causes your body's endorphine level to rise therefor causing you to feel better. Make yourself busy too. That can help. You may be suffering from seasonal depression. The cold weather can cause you to become depressed due to the fact that you are not outside doing the things you would like to be doing that causes your endorphines to be more elevated. Perhaps, if you do not pull out of it soon then see a doctor to try to narrow down the problem.

if you are seriously depressed- talk to someone: a doctor, a trusted friend, a parent, a sibling, you need help. exercising and hobbies may help, but you need someone who has handled this before.

if you are religious, first try using your Faith. If that does not work, think to see if you are having anxieties or dark thoughts, if you have such symptoms, tell an adult to get a counseller (therapist) for treatment.

I have 1 but you might not like it,Depression in females is often asociated with thier sex life, If they dont have a sex life or mutch of one they become depressed, therefore you should try sex or more sex, or if you dont have a boyfriend you might want to try some mutial mas*terbation( the star is so they dont bleep it and you understand it)

do something u like. listen to ur fav music. talk to ur fav friend. watch ur fav movie.
just go on do something u like

I would do what I like to do (playing basketball, playing softball, etc.)

Talk to friends and family members, the more you talk the more you take it out your system, and before you know it, it be out your system. Also may I suggest prayer it make mountains move!

What you're doing right now is a beginning. It's good you opened up with it to ask for help, but besides reaching out to help others,(something KSB suggested), or exercising, or getting out and keeping yourself real busy, go to the closest person you feel you can actually trust, from your heart and tell them you're depressed, and you don't know why.Even just getting it "off your chest" makes one feel better, and sometimes we can end up answering our own questiions, sometimes not, but human contact, with a good, honest listener can make a world of difference.

my friend had that problem but after seeing a doctor and on medication she is fine. EXERCIZE TOO! Best of wishes!

It's okay to be depressed if it gives you time and the inclination to pay attention to yourself. Remember that inside there is a person who is very important and who you may have been neglecting lately who just wants you to take notice and take care of, the same way you would your best friend. You have to really like yourself, just the way you are. You are a very special person. If I were there I could tell you that. Even so, one more time, in case you didn't hear me: You are a very special person and you deserve the best in life and you need to take really good care of yourself because you are very important.

My first advice would be to talk to a counselor. They will help you through the tough times. There is anti-depressants, which seem to help with conseling (if you need them)

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