Has anyone with heavy periods tried Mooncups?!

Sorry guys this is definitely one for the ladies to answer..this will get the boys running for the hills!

I've just seen an advert for Mooncups. I have extremely heavy periods and currently use max absorbency tampons which in the first few days have to be changed hourly and also wear a towel for extra protection from leaks. In my teens and twenties I was on the pill because they were so heavy but don't want to be now so please don't suggest this! Medically there is nothing else they can do for me as seen my doctor.

Is there anyone who has tried Mooncups? Did you like or dislike them and explain why. I am not sure whether to try them. At the moment I can't get my head around it all sloshing around! I have read the testimonials on the Mooncup website but can't help thinking it's too good to be true.

Please only sensible answers!
I know people who love using period cups. This site has post from people who have used or thinking of using them and it might be helpful, you also can post any q's you might have http://www.aphroditewomenshealth.com/ubb/ultimatebb.php?/topic/2/11.html

The Diva

The Instead cup (you can even have sex when using this one with out any mess)

The keeper

And the mooncup

Other Answers:
I have heard lots of great things about the Diva and the Keeper, not so much about the Moon Cup.

I've tried a variation of them, cant call the name, but they sell them at Rite Aid and other drug stores..they helped out a lot, but I still needed extra protection, but a lot better than a pad.Good Luck
They come in small lavander box with maybe 6 per box

I have never heard of this. It must not be in America. Its a cup that goes under you and you leak into it? that sounds messy.

I am sorry but I just googled it and I would never wear a thing like that. I have heavy menses myself, but I am still sticking with my pads.

I have not tried mooncups as they are not sold here (but similar products are) but I have tried "Instead" It's similar to the mooncup but disposable. You can wear it up to 12 hours (Although on very heavy days I can only keep it in about 6-8 hours) They are messy to dispose of, but if you wash your hands anyway - you shouldn't have a problem. You should also be very comfortable with yourself because you have to remove it with your finger. You can have intercourse with them in, although i wouldn't recommmend rougher sex as it could leak. I personally love them and there is no sloshing! It's worth a shot - it'll take a while to get use to it but it so worth it.

I read about it online and I just don't see how it can be comfortable or easy to use. I also have heavy periods the first few days but I think I'll stick with the tampons. I can't see myself pulling this out rinsing it and reinserting. How can you do that in a stall? I can't see a girl hopping out of a stall with her pants down to her knees going over to the sink and rinsing. Maybe I didn't read enough but it just seems inconvenient to me.

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