wouldn't eating cotton balls cause serious health problems?? Why would anyone s!

I would think it could give you serious digestive problems or bowel problems..am I wrong?? Wouldn't it clog you up not help you "lose weight"?
It was in one of the answers left up to voting under hotsuya's question: how do you get and stay skinny like supermodels? what do they eat?what exercise do they do? (I like reading ppl's other questions, and their answers to get a better 'picture' of them and where they're comming from)) I know it's 'nosy', lol. This was just really strange.
mmozdez: wut do modeling agencies do to make their models lose weight? (I typed in orange juice and cotton balls and got another question/answer about this) I think it could cause serious health problems.

(((BTW, I am curvy and happy about it. I'm not under any delusion that I could ever be 'perfect' whatever 'perfect' is.. As long as I can fit into a size 8 (I'm 5'6, mid twenties and a mother of 1) I'm pretty dam happy with the way I look. My guy likes me 'soft' and fem. ^_^))
Lol, I think it's from an old Oprah Winfrey episode. There was a 13 year old girl who was so scared of getting fat, she ate paper and cotton balls. She even ate tissues! I believe it would cause some major discomfort going #2, lol. Yes, it's really irresponsible for someone to even mention it to another person who may have mental issues/eating disorder. I saw the questions you were talking about..

Other Answers:
First of all, it's not nosy. It's the whole point of this site! Read on!

I have to assume that the person who suggested eating cotton balls was being sarcastic. Most definitely, it would not be good for your digestive tract.

say what ? Do what with the cotton balls

Why the hell do you care so much about models and whether or not they eat cotton. I think the truth is you may be insecure and/or threatened by them. If they do eat cotton balls good for them! I have also heard they do herion to be thin, perhaps you would like to try that as a diet technique as well.

giggler -master.you have been reported

I agree, I would think that it might actually cut your intestines, but at the same time I know that if an animal eats glass, vets often give them cotton soaked in iodine in the hopes that the fibers will attach to the shards and keep the animal from having more cuts inflicted on it. Sorry I couldn't be of more help. I wouldn't doubt that some people try to use it in an attempt to make themselves not eat. Desperate people will do desperate things. There's a lot of money involved in the "modeling" world, maybe they're trying to get some kind of edge??

furious .you have also been reported

Is that some kind of urban legend?? I don't think anyone could be that silly..Maybe I'm wrong.

I have reported two rude people on this post..guess who.

Bad karma! gotta love it! Reported..attitudes of 'superiority' (that's sarcasm to y'all simple folk) often means the person is insecure about their intellectual abilities, lol, overwhelmingly they are right in their assumptions / fears, meaning that, yes, they are intellectually inferior! (I love run-ons!).

People who eat paper, tissue, and even cotton wool often have some kind of underlying mental issue. Possibly brought on by the fear of getting 'fat'. I know that there is a disorder where as a person will eat 'strange' "food". I can't remember what it's called. I also think that some people are dull enough to think that this particular disorder may help them achieve an impossible image..did this help?

lol me thinks giggler wh^^e and furious *** on fire maybe a little TOO sensative about the subject!! Me thinks someone might have touched on a sore nerved for these bi0--ches..I bet they prefer the ol toothbrush 'game', nutin like the classics aye "girls"? lmao, i bet they're old and full of wringles! only old women try to act 'young', pigtails and the word 'giggles/giggler' is a dead giveaway! (((furious))) is an ugly fat virgin who is jus t pi ssed noone wants her shiots..!! REPORTED...I think that there are women who are that stupid, two of them are on this board..

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