how to set limits for others without being offinsive or rude??!


You can not control how others will react or feel by what you say. If someone is crossing your boundry line,it is up to you to say so, they can't read your mind. Choose your words carefully, say it kindly and all is done. If someone thinks that you are rude and you have been as kind as possible then that is their problem not yours.
I need to do this quite often. So many people are touchers to even complete strangers and I suffer from chronic pain where sometimes even the lightest breeze can cause pain I would wish on no one. I just have to tell people straight out, or my husband does, to be gentle with me. I won't break, but I will suffer pain. And you know what there are people who are then offended and think I am rude for not wanting to be punched on arm or bear hugged, some people just have no thought for anyone but themselves

Other Answers:
well da only reason is 2 b frank ie honestly tell ppl their dos n donts 4 u

Everyone needs limits, so if they get mad, they will get over it. If limits need to be set, just tell them nicely.say, hey, am not trying be be upsetting or rude.but this is the way it has to be.
If they are nice people and true friends.they will understand

It's really about setting your own boundaries - this is what's okay for me and what's not okay. These are the bounds of what I will or will not do or accept. It's not about them, really, it's about you and liking yourself enough to have your boundaries and stick to them. It's part of your personal integrity and it lets people know that is who you are, not someone else's doormat.

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