About periods.?!

If you started your period but it seems it's lasted about a month, of course a doctor's visit should happen, but has anyone else had this, or something similar?
Yes, an OB can give you a hormone to stop the period and then they would usually put you on some sort of birth control pill to get you back on a schedule. They'll want to take blood for hormone testing,do an internal and probably an ultra sound to check things out too eventually. I think every woman goes through cycle problems at least once in her life, try not to worry too much, it happens to a lot of women.

Other Answers:
The only time my periods lasted longer than "normal" I was either on birth control with bad side effects, or I was suffering from endometriosis. Both of which, you are correct, a doctor would need to advise you about.

I had that happen to me last fall. (mine lasted longer though,lol). I went to the doctor and I told my mom. Then eversince, I've been on Yasmin(Birth control).

If you have a period that has lasted a month you need to see a doctor you could be hemmoraging go see one soon it is serious your condition.

I've never had it happen to me, but I have known a girl who had her period every two weeks, and I've heard of others who experience continuous spotting.

In most cases, it's the result of a hormonal imbalance, but I'm really really glad you recognize you need to see a doctor. Just because it's happened before doesn't make it normal or safe.

yea i had this before, its normal sometimes stress can make your period late or can make your period stay for a whole month, but if your period is really strong for that whole month its better if you see the doctor

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