How do you stop a child's skin from itching? I've tried basically everything.!


DO NOT listen to what the first person said. never put warm on itches. makes it worse, it might make it feel better, but afterwards, they will itch even more

try some benadryl first, you know, antihistamine

your child has an overproduction of Histamine being caused by an allergen. Histamine is what causes itchiness. There is an allergen (something he is allergic to) in the environment.
sounds like maybe the type of clothes detergent you use, or itchy clothes, maybe pets, maybe dust, could be any little thing

if nothing works, you will have to take the child to a dermatologist and get an allergy test to see what this allergen is, the dermatologist is the most helpful person when it comes to the skin

good luck

p.s. something that will help is to give him lukewarm baths in oatmeal Aveeno products, or the generic, whatever, then rub on him some Oatmeal lotion afterwards, this might help, he may just have really dry skin. Do this, and if it doesn't work, switch around detergents, etc, but if nothing still works, you need to go to dermatologist for a allergen test

Other Answers:
Maybe if you use a hot towel and place it on the itchy part it might stop. it might sting a little but will cool down in a few seconds.

Theres an oitment called "Butt Paste" that stops just about any kind of itching there is. It was featured on Oprah.

Find out if the child has excema. If so, the doctor will prescribe meds. If that doesn't seem so, put moisturizer on the child after a bath, while the skin is still damp. Does he scratch at night while sleeping? Put socks on his hands so he doesn't make it bleed and cause an infection. Itching is like torture. I know how heartbreaking it is to watch someone suffer that way.

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