how can the incidence of sudden infant death be reduced?!


Is SIDS Preventable?
If you haven't heard that a SIDS prevention method has been 100% successful since 1989, you are not alone. Most of us have heard the results of the Back to Sleep campaign, which likes to take credit for the reduction in crib deaths across the globe. While this campaign has helped reduce crib deaths, it is not 100% effective. Only mattress wrapping has been proven 100% effective in preventing crib death. How is this possible? And WHAT is mattress wrapping?!

Mattress Wrapping
Mattress wrapping is based on the toxic gas theory. The theory states that toxic nerve gases permeate from all used mattresses: crib, bassinet, adult mattresses and even sofa cushions. The gases are created when fungus grows inside the mattress and eats certain elements in the mattress, including phosphorus, arsenic, and antimony. Babies, especially those sleeping on their stomachs, breathe in the toxic nerve gases, which results in crib death, or SIDS.

Mattress wrapping, which is essentially wrapping the mattress in a polyethylene cover, prevents the gases from getting into the baby's breathing space. The polyethylene sheeting does not allow the gases to permeate, thereby preventing inhalation and subsequently preventing crib death.

The Toxic Gas "Theory"
Like most people, you are probably wondering about now, why in the world you should trust this "theory" and what you are reading. After all, TONS of other websites by notorious doctors and even SIDS organizations do not accept this theory! Let me assure you that the toxic gas theory is not just a theory anymore; it is pretty well proven to be the cause of crib death. During the "BabeSafe Campaign" not ONE baby died of crib death who slept on a wrapped mattress. Do not take this information lightly. The BabeSafe Campaign has been under way for well over 15 years. That's right: in 15 YEARS not ONE baby has died on a wrapped mattress. It is estimated that 200,000 babies have slept on wrapped mattresses. With a moderate SIDS rate of 1/1000 babies, statistically 200 babies should have died!

What to do NOW to Prevent SIDS
Order a BabeSafe mattress cover.

Follow the SIDS safe crib advice.

Tell everyone you know about this site.

Other Answers:
i don know but it is so tragic when it happens

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