What are the side effects of lazor hair removeal?!


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Most clients experience a mild stinging or burning sensation when the laser pulse is delivered and some may experience a slight reddening of the skin or local swelling. This typically disappears within a short period of time from anywhere between a couple of hours to a couple of days.

usually, the side effects are on how the procedure is done. i've seen some cases where the patient got 3rd degree burns because the doctor used a pulse that is too high. causing the skin to melt. it was on the leg area, so it really looked like somebody poured acid on your legs.

The only side effect I have had from laser hair removal was some pigmentation on my left forearm, where I had hair removed. It went away in about 2 weeks. The doctor I work for said it was caused by all the sun damage on my forearm from driving, believe it or not! The pigmentation does come back when I have had prolonged sun exposure. I don't consider it a big deal, because it looks a lot better than the dark, gross looking hair I had there before!
Personal Experience and working for a Dermatologist for 8 years.

immediately after, skin is red and tender and then small scabs form, but aloe vera helps w/ that and the skin will look normal after a few days.

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