When is the right time to go to the gym?!


It really depends on your goal. Is your goal to build muscle or lose fat? If it's to lose fat, then most definitely cardio first thing in the morning is THE best time to optimize fat burning and increase your metabolism for the rest of the day. During cardio, it's important for your body to utilize fat stores and refrain from using other energy sources (liver glycogen and ingested glucose which can interfere with fat metabolism), and according to research, an empty stomach facilitates this process.

If it's muscle building your after, then it really doesn't matter too much, but there's some consensus in the bodybuilding community to weight train either 3 or 7 hours after your wake up since some studies show growth hormone levels are optimal for training during these periods.

Other Answers:
There is no right time. There is a best time. The best time is the time that you can consistently go. Work it into a weekly routine. For some its after 10 pm, like me. For others its before 7 am or times there in between. The best time is the time where you can stay consistent.
Me - fitness professional, nutrition and life coach

There is no right or precise time for that!
Somebody must go compulsory when there is some problem (rehabilitation, for example).
I think that in general any sport is important for body and mind and especially during the youth, when our body is developing. Anyway, old people even could o should play sport to be in perfect healthy. Do sport or any training when you want or just when you feel the need to do it.

When it's less crowded, so that you don't have to wait for any machines.

I agree with FitGuy. He hit it right on the nose.

So many people don't read the fine print.
Yes, if you do cardio first thing in the morning your body will mobilize a higher amount of fat than it would at other times in the day. However, it also will burn muscle tissue to a certain extent because exercise ALWAYS burns a certain amount of fat, protein, and carbohydrate. All types of exercise always burn these three, no matter what. So, if you don't have adequate carbohydrate and some freshly-digested protein in your body, you will burn muscle tissue in addition to fat.

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