Diabetes Symptoms?!

A doctor told me he wants me to be checked for diabetes. If anyone out there has diabetes can you tell me what some of your symptoms were. When you read an article on it, it sounds like anything is a symptom. Do you just go to your general doctor to be tested? Is it a blood test?
Some of the more common symptoms are weight loss, frequent urination, visual disturbances. There are indeed quite a few symptoms, but most people never realize they have diabetes until they're tested.

The test involves a simple blood test. Your physician is the one who has to order the blood test. Your physician will tell you whether you have diabetes, and you certainly need to pay attention, because it is YOU, not the doctor, who will have to manage your diabetes. The doctor will tell you how to get started on the learning process. He or she will prescribe whatever medication might be necessary, and probably will also refer you to a registered dietician to learn how to fight the disease through controlling what you eat. And you'll be referred to a certified diabetes educator, who's usually a Regestered Nurse, like me, who has had additional training and experience teaching newly diagnosed diabetics about their disease and about all the options there are to help ya maintain a reasonable blood glucose level and fight off complications of the disease - all of which can become deadly serious, so you'll have to get serious, too.

Do NOT accept any advice from anyone who tells you there are "natural" or "alternative" or "herbal" remedies that control blood sugar or cure or reverse diabetes. It cannot be cured or reversed, only controlled.

It's a bit of a pain in the backside to learn you have to put up with this friggin' disease. I have a lot more things I'd rather do than deal with diabetes - but it ain't going away. And I'd rather spend money on things that work and control the disease, instead of spending it on a mortician!

Other Answers:
1. u start loosing weight without any reason
2. u would like urinate quite often
3. if u urinate somewhere in open, the ant start coming to the site

You need to go to your regular doctor, and they draw blood. Some symptoms include- frequent urination, heavy sweating, dizziness, sleeping too much. Just to name a few.

My husband has diabetes and his symptoms, were.extreme thirst, ( drinking anything one can or bottle right after the other.flushing of the face, fequent urination, and at one point he had severe itch in his privates from a yeast infection.a simple blood test will tell you..dont wait find out now!!

urine test. test for sugar in your urine. If you develop type 2 diabetes its usually a weight diet combination and if you change your diet and habits you can prevent the need for medication. Your regualr doctor can test for this.

Some early symptoms are thirst, increased appetite, weight loss. Your doctor can do a urinalysis as a quick screen to see if you are spilling glucose in your urine. He can then do blood work to check the level of glucose in your blood. If those are not normal further testing should be done to confirm the extent of your problem if any. Good luck!

Everything everyone said is right for the symptoms, but I honestly had NO symptoms when I was diagnoses. I was checked a month prior and everything came back fine, then I got sick from something else and they checked again after I was in the clear then it was discovered. But after I lost weight and stuck to my diet and excersize as the doctor told me to do I was taken off of all medications. So depending on the type of diabetes you have it can go away. I still have to check my glucose levels and stuff, but they have no longer listed me as diabetic, and they don't think I'm what's considered prediabetic either. But if they catch it early enough you might be able to manage it with just diet and excercise.

-Extreme Thirst (meaning you can't quit drinking)
-Frequent urination (your body is trying to get rid of excess sugar)
-Slight flu-liek symptoms (if I get hgih Blood Sugar, I get nausea and headache/slight confusion) (again, vomitting woudl get rid of sugar

You can get a med lab to check the blood sugar through your Dr OR, probably cheaper, buy a cheap blood sugar monitor at the pharmacy (you can sometimes find coupons on-line or in the Sunday circulars and get the monitor for free with their rebates.)If you are seeing blood sugars consistently above 100 I would go to a Family Practice Dr of Endocrinologist (Diabetes Specialist - among other endocrine diseases) and get checked. It isn't something to mess around with - high blood sugars can lead to neuropathy and subsequent loss of limbs, kidney failure, retinopathy and subsequent loss of sight, and more. With good control of diabetes, though, these shoudl never be a problem.

Don't let the person who told you to get a meter and check yourself and be worried if consistently over 100, alarm you. A normal person is going to be over 100 quite often. 90 to 110 is an average reading. The reading is going to be influenced by when it is taken. If after eating, the reading will be higher. You should be alarmed if the reading is often above 180.

want to drink much
want to eat much
want to urinate much

Check the fasting blood glucose and the blood glucose two hours after meal. Blood test: HbA1c

Wish you all the best!
I think

It is a blood sugar test. and maybe more if level high.

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