I did weight training yesterday, i feel great on my body but why is it that i al!

Compared before that i never used to do weight training i eat less now my demand of food gets high. Do i have to stop eating or just eat less?

But i feel more stronger if eat much and when i return to my weight routine i do more repetitions because i feel great when eating full! please help me is this bad? thank you
dont worry bout it im exactley the same. you have something to eat then in bout half hour your hungry again. you got to take it as a good thing because the food you eat is helping get bigger and stronger in the gym.you see people in the gym who dont get big just toned ,thats because they dont eat enough to gain the weight which you build into muscle.
aslong as your eating clean and healthy dont worry bout put on extra weight,its fat which you should avoid because with fat you put on weight which all you can do with is burn off because alot of people think if they have afat on them they fink they can turn into muscle but turning fat into muscle is like trying to turn water into gold, it can not be done.about the reps thing when you go for mor reps its not actually building as much as doing a heavier weight and less reps.more weight less reps releases the hormone more which puts on more size.lower wight less reps just builds slower which people do if they dont want big muscles.

Other Answers:
hunger is a natural response to exercise.
you should eat more.

Well I think you should just eat normal listen I do martial arts so I have to become stronger but keep in shape. I just eat regularly you three meals a day. And work it after later in the day. So don't just stop eating!! Just do a little routine work out after each meal but don't do too much because later you'll be in pain.

your bod's craving carbohydrates.This will give you more energy. and allow muscle development so eat heaps of pasta.

You shouldn't eat less. You should erat every 3 to 4 hours small healthy meals. That will alow you to stay trim and muscular also. You will feel more hungry the more you workout becasue your body need sot replenish all that it loses during your workout.

I took weight training classes in college and I was told that your metabolism increases when you work out with weights. This will sometimes cause a pro-acidic enviroment inside your body. You will need to eat more green leafy stuff like kale, lettuces as well as barley-grass, wheat-grass, spelt , and spinach powders in the form of green smoothies. To get more info on green smoothies go to this web site , it will lead you to other sites for more info on maintaining balance in your body. Your Blood pH should naturally be between 7.3 and 7.4 pH. When you become more acidic (pH lower than 7.3 your body tries to rebalance itself by robbing minerals from other sources like your muscles, bones, organs and the like. So you become hungry and you need to provide the correct nutrition to rebuild the materials that are broken down while lifting weights. You only have a finite number of muscle cells in your body, and to increase the size of those cells and get that bulked look you need to eat so your body can heal itself and make those muscles bigger. Eating raw foods like greens, veggies and fruits you get the minerals, vitamins, amino acids along with the enzymes needed to absorb all that stuff. When you cook those foods at a temperature above 160 degrees F. you destroy those enzymes and your digestive system will rob thoe enzymes needed from other places in your body, and that is one of the reasons why people feel tired after they eat. Oh yes, that website is: www.rawfamily.com Good luck and remember not to over do it. Wight train after a 48 hour rest period. During that 48 hour period try walking, swimming and other low impact activities to allow your body time to heal up. Good luck, markosemper

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