why is marijuana a gateway drug?!


hmmmmm, deep question. i always thought it was a "get-away "(from reality) drug!

Other Answers:
Because many people will use marijuana. And then they'll say "Hey, taking drugs isn't bad! I like getting high! Maybe I should try taking something stronger and get a better high!"

That's the theory at least. Many people are able to just stick with Marijuana, but for some it's the first step towards hardcore addiction.

Most people start their history of drug abuse with marijuana and then continue down the road of depravity with the more addictive substances, cocaine, crack, meth, LSD, heroin, etc.

Well basically due to its legal status (i.e. it's illegal) it is generally sold by criminals, who are out to make money. They will therefore often sell other illegal drugs which generate a greater profit, and if the dealer has other drugs around, their customers are more likely to buy these. If they were kept seperate, this would be less likely to happen. Another theory is that due to the propaganda spread about it, which people then find to be untrue (such as reefer madness, it will make you mad, etc) leads people to believe that any negative information about any drug is untrue.

Hope this helps.

It isn't , Marijuana is a herb it is all natural and used properly it never becomes a HABIT. However some do start with pot and work thier way up to more serious chemicals that can and will kill you.I smoked my first joint in 1973 ,it was awful, tried it again about 1978.Gag.It is a great herb for people with cancers and other disabling disease but just as a kick back get stoned it can lead you if you have a addictive behavior to heavy drugs because the mellow happy feeling won't be enough.That is why our goverment has Labeled it a gateway drug.If they were to legalise it , alot less folks would want it because Uncle sam would get taxes from it.Just like cigarretts.

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