Whenever i eat something sweet my teet really hurt, why?!


you have cavaties

Other Answers:

if it's just one or two teeth then you probably have a "sweet tooth" which is a small cavity, if it is all then there may be a problem, regardless go see a dentist.

are you saying TEETH or TEAT?

if TEETH, then you probably have cavities.
if TEAT, then you are a freak because nothing that you eat should make your breast(s) hurt.

learn to spell, man. geez.

try. probably cavities!

Don't rub the sweets on your teets.they should go in your mouth. Sounds hot though.

You either have very sensitive teeth. (You can get a special toothepaste for that.)

Or it's even possible you may have cavities, in which case it's wise to go see a dentist.

you have a sweet tooth but more than likely a cavity


it is a cavity. check your spelling. your "teet" can't hurt cuz you ate something sweet. that is breast. just go to the dentist.

Chances are you have hyper sensative teeth, mine are like that too. Talk to your dentist he might perscribe something to take away the sensativity.

cavaties. you need to go to the dentist and get a check up you may have other problems as well.

probably you have a cavity

It's probably cavities. I had that problem. I went to the dentist. I had my tooth filled and it doesn't hurt anymore, plus my teeth were very sensitive so I switched my toothpaste to Sensodyne.


Your feet or your teeth?

Your teeth = Go se a dentist
Your feet = you may have diabetes which can be lethal and gross if not properly treated. please go see a doctor and let them know what is happening.

Depending on your age or your diet, your teeth may be becoming demineralised. Some toothpastes such as "sensodyne" can help as can a fluoride mouthwash by allowing fluoride ions to combine with your teeth to form a barrier to reduce over sensitivity. Speak to your dentist.

u may have cavities
go visit a dentist

that happened to my brother once he had a very bad cavity and he had that tooth removed
me myself and i

Cavities.try biting down on a piece of tin foil and see if it hurts, if it does then you have a cavatie.
My dentist

go to the dentist u have cavities or gum disease.

your teats may hurt in two possible ways:
you have alergy to sweets or
you put sweets on your teat and then eat them and so you hurt your teats.
from a medical student


Yep, I agree with everyone else. Teeth that hurt when you eat something sweet usually indicate cavities. I know that's always the first sign of a cavity for me. When's the last time you saw a dentist? I think it's time you made an appointment for an examination. The good thing is, if the teeth only hurt when you eat sweet things, they probably only have small cavities at the minute, which will be easy to fix. DO NOT leave them and see what happens.trust me on this one..they will only get worse and you'll end up with really bad cavities and need root canals or extraction. I've ignored small cavities before and ended up in a LOT of pain. Go see your dentist asap.

That is one of the signs of an possible problem tooth. You should check with a dentist as soon as possible. Go and get a cleaning,intensive oral exam and x-rays. That will tell you about the over all health of your teeth. the x-rays will tell you about what is going on and the inside of you teeth. If there is a specific tooth bothering you tell your dentist at the time of consultation. Checkups and cleaning twice a year can help eliminate costly dental restoration in the long run!!

yeah, i guess this doesnt need much more confirming, but sweet tooth/cavity.

Cavities. Go to the dentist and take care of them before it becomes worse.

i will tell you that its NOT a cavity the same thing happens to me and i just went to the dentist and had no cavities


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