ive heard dat by applyin sunscreens the complexion becomes darker.does it really!


No actually they do not really work.they r just made for earing money and theirs no effect on our skin.so dont go for them

Other Answers:

This is just an opinion and I'm not medically qualified, but. I think sunscreens cause skin cancer. You'll notice that the blurb on them says that they moisturise the skin and limit premature ageing and so on, but none of them claim to reduce the incidence of melanoma, because (as far as I'm aware) there's no evidence that they do. What we *can* say for sure is that plenty of people get skin cancer in places on their bodies that are never exposed to the sun. So, you could spend your whole life in a cupboard and *still* end up with skin cancer, without even having years of pleasure from sun-worshipping to offset it. Also some research suggests that sun exposure actually inhibits cancer, since sunlight produces vitamin D, and this is thought to have a preventative effect on certain cancers.

The situation we have now, is that there has been a marked increase in skin cancer in many parts of the world in recent decades, correlated with a marked increase in the use of sunscreens. I suspect therefore that the use of sunscreen is causing more skin cancer, by lulling people into a false sense of security about sun exposure - i.e. because we use SPF 6,000 or something, we think we're protected, and we stay out in the sun for hours upon hours - In fact, whilst we're certainly protected from *burning* there is no evidence that the sunscreen protects from *cancer*. so you have all these people spending far longer in the sun than they would without the sunscreen, and consequently many more cases of skin cancer than would otherwise be the case.

So, the natural and sensible alternative is to use your body's own sun protection - tanning - to guide you in your sun exposure. Start by short periods of exposure - just a few minutes - and see how your skin reacts. If you are perfectly comfortable and get a shade of tan, that's about right. If you go red, or even worse start to peel, you know you've overdone it. Gradually work up to the protection of a deep natural tan. You will get a good safe tan with much less exposure than if you used lotion.

One final point: By far the most important issue with skin cancer is early detection, so if you see anything that concerns you, get it checked out straight away.

if you are lovely better use it baby

Sun screens are helpful in maintaining the internal moisture of your skin, it helps in preventing dehydration of the skin. Use it without fear to protect your skin. Sun screens indirectly prevents ageing as ageing is more in dehydrated skins

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