Adult women who dont want more kids!?!

I am an adult married woman with 3 boys ages 10, 5, 6 mos. I am done having kids, but whenever it is a couple of days past ovulation and I'm not pregnant (which I can't become pregnant anymore) I feel like I lost something, like I'm really depressed and let down. I don't want more kids, but I hate this feeling. Does anyone else ever have this. I'm pretty sure it's what ruined my first marriage cause he didn't want me to have another baby after the first and I didn't realise at that ime that I felt this way every month. It's only been since I've gotten an iud that I noticed it to happen about 5 days after ovulation which I suppose is when the egg reaches the uterus unfertilised. Do you think I would have the same feelings if I had my tubes tied and the egg never made it to the uterus? Thanks so much for any advice you have. Best wishes to you all
Some women get depressed around ovulation even if they don't want kids. It is a hormone thing and is perfectly normal. I talk to a lot of ladies who this happens to and it also happens to me.

Other Answers:
This is probably a psychological problem. Your best bet would probably be to see a therapist who could talk to you about why you feel disappointed, and why you know you don't want more kids- he or she will be able to help you work past your disappointment and towards feeling contended without being pregnant. Good luck. :)

you will get over it, just think in 5-10 years you will have grand kids. teen boys are no party, you are in for the time of your life, boys are something else..!

I'm just mad that I still have my period every month-I mean it's pointless after I've had my tubes tied.

stop keeping track of when your ovulating, if you can't have kids then its just an emotional attachement, sounds like your focusing on it to much

I have had my tubes tied because I had 2 very difficult, uncomfortable, life-threatening pregnancies. Both kids and I were all fine afterward, but I have had enough pregnancies for one lifetime.

Still, certain things trigger a longing for more children within me. I have never paid attention if it is a certain time of month that this happens. II just have to remind myself that it's probably hormones or something, not a true, heartfelt desire for give birth to more children.

I wonder if taking the pill would help with your situation. I have never taken the pill, so I don't know how it affects your moods. I think you should talk to a doctor about this and see if there is something you can do about it, because I'm almost certain it's hormonal. God bless. 42 and have a 17yo daughter.i went thru something similar about 5 years ago.i thinks its normal to go thru a bit of sadness coming to the realization that this part of your life is finished.if the depression gets worst or lasts more than six weeks please see a doc.hope you feel better!!

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