what type of food/diet should i have to cut my weight?!

the meals i should have and at what time
The 1st thing is not to stop eating like alot of ppl do. you need to eat to let your body burn off food (metabolism)
everyone's different, some have a high some have low(metabolism)
Same as some diet's work for different ppl.

What everyone you go on don't for get the best way to loss weigth is fitness.
When you eat your last meal of the day is to take a walk. thay say if you eat chocolate or cakes, to be activ for atlest 30 mins.
The dest way is to look at the way you live and eat and get the rite diet for you!
some tips and diets in the links below

Other Answers:
3 meals a day. eat lots of protein=chicken fish etc.
eat some yogurt and keep your calories under 2000. and make sure you exercise even if it is just walking

they say threemeals a day, 30 mins of excercise tree times a week,and you should b on a winner.

se ther is no problem in eating but the only problem occurs when u eat between ur meals..so just remeber eat whotever but just cut a bit on oily and fried , also drink plenty of water , and try to eat less at night .eat heavy healthy breakfast or lunch but as we just have to sleep at nights so the dinner has to be light.while eating take small bites and chew it nicely becuase when we eat fast and dont chew properly we eat more than our apetite which is a major cause of weight problems..hope this one helps u.take care..

from my own experience

my main advice is to do practice to burn your calories and fats.

walk at least one hour a day..for 3 months..

about food diet principles from my own experience:
avoid Coke and Pepsi and all drinks alike.. try to drink milk or diet-coke or water..
avoid eating that much bread and white rice..

breakfast: 2 dark toast slices and 2-3 spoons of tuna and a cup of tea with your sugar you like..
or one boiled egg with 2 dark toast slices..

after awhile take a snack of one apple

lunch time: 2 spoons of rice and a plate of boiled vegetable and 1/4 chicken or 200gm of meat cooked in any way.. and a cup of diet coke

dinner: 2 slice of toasts and a piece of chicken fillet. and cup of diet coke

the above system is not that perfect.. because i advise you not to be so harsh on your self about calories. psychologically you will eat more than normal when you stop diet..

thus my advise is not to do that much diet system.. try to walk and do practice and avoid high calorie foods like Pepsi and coke..

It doesn't matter what you eat it's how you eat, to loose weight never eat protein & carbs together. Only eat when you are hungry and stop when you are full, if you do this your body will know its going to get food when its hungry and will not store any more fat and will start to loose some of the fat its already stored.
If you want a good source of protein there is nothing better than Peanut Butter (all natural one though) it will say it on the jar. this contains no bad fat, as it was created along time ago as protien replacement for people with no teeth/bad rotten teeth who coulden't eat meat.

I recommend STACK Weight-Loss. I'm seeing people lose a pound a day with this system! Sounds incredible, but the company who makes it offers a 90-day, money back guarantee. Take a look: http://www.mym2c.com/stack.php?olcc - Read some of the testimonials.

Looking at the answers above, there is a lot of diets out there.

Look, don't cut anything from your diet. I look to the bodybuilders, since they seem to be the ones who have their bodies figured out. This is what they say:

1. Eat 6 times per day, or every three hours. This increases metabolism, stabilizes your blood sugar level, as well as helps you feel full.
2. Portion control - don't eat anything bigger than your fist. One portion of protein, carbs, and veggies at every meal.
3. Do some sort of exercise. Walking, running, biking, resistance training, something to start your body burning off more calories.
4. Give yourself one day off per week - if you try to starve yourself, you will fail. Take a day and eat whatever you want - as long as you eat right the other 6.
Body for Life
Encylopedia of Modern Bodybuilding
Own Experience

You really need to check out the ebook at the bottom of my weight loss page

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