what causes of gay people? it is the inheretance or inborn?!


they are lots of factors not to long ago they were saying that to much soy products could turn you gay(when given from birth)have a look around you mite find some good info

Other Answers:

I blame the media. It gets blamed for everything else.

I believe that there are some people who are simply confused or unsure and someday find their way.

However, people who are truly gay are born that way. It never changes and if it does it is a lie and it's only to fit in. Inside they always want the same sex and they can't help it and nothing can change it.

inborn- its when you are a fetus and what chromozones you are made of. gay men are made up of more female ones and gay women are made up of more male chromozones.

this makes you attracted to the same sex because you have thr opposite sex's chromozones.

some suggest it is at the cellular level people are basically born gay and not a choice of free will

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