Whats the best diet?!

I wana slim down my waist, thighs and arms
Exercise and weight watchers.

Other Answers:
Weight watchers

eat healthy and exercise.

sour fruits

I like the "eat anything you want diet"!

It works great!

Reduce the amount of calories you take in to a point where you are burning more calories than you take in.

Keep up with it via http://www.fitday.com

Good luck.

Burgers, Baked Beans and Beer. The "B" diet makes you feel happy while you are consuming those foods AND, then allows you to lose the added weight when the baked beans start to work!
My wise ol' grandfather.

Just eat healthy, exercise and you will loose it healthy so you will not gain the weigh back faster.

balanced diet and exercise

try to use Aminophylline cream

The only safe and proven way to lose pounds is decreasing your calorie intake, and increasing your exercise. There are many fad diets, but this one is the only one with lastting, proven results.

I agree with a few of the other answers, Weight Watchers AND exercise. Weight Watchers is not a diet, instead it's a life change.

One that actually works.

Not everybody is the same and a diet that works well with some might not work well for you. I know a person that has tried about every diet in the book and none worked but years ago they went on a starvation diet and lost (OMG).

You'll just have to fine the one that's right for you.

Heart doctors have a diet that will take off weight very quick but you have to go strictly by the diet. They say that you can lose up to 53 pounds in three months and the good part is you can have all the meat you want prepared any way.

my mother and me have been going on the garlic diet for who knows how long. basically what you do is take half agarlic ear and swallow it with a full 8oz glass of water then you repeat this for every day daily what it does is cut back your hunger you also must take plenty of water and go for a walk or do some excercise.

I have to say Weight Watchers has really helped me. I have been hanging on to 10 pounds for so long and they just peeled away on WW. It's not really a diet - it really makes you responsbile for what you eat and portion sizes. We American's eat WAY TOO much food! A little exercise doesn't hurt either. Good luck.

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