I'm about to begin taking phentermine for weight loss, does it really work?!


Yes but what it is is basically legal speed. My doctor told me that she would only allow me 6 months on it with exercise and proper diet. She said that if you don't exercise then you won't keep it off. That the moment you stop taking it you will gain all the weight right back. So it is really an aide to weight loss but if you don't make the effort to eat properly and add exercise it will only last so long. Be careful because it does raise your heart level.

Other Answers:
Yes it really does if your commited to losing weight. it worked great for me. I was 128 and in about 1 month I weighed 105.

it does work, i lost close to 100 pounds while taking it.but i also was pretty much starving myself.drinking water and eating one small meal a day. i had lost my insurance and had to quit taking it and i can sure tell it as the pounds are starting to creep back on. Also, to comment on the above commenter, yeah it pretty much is speed..it seemed like i was in high gear all the time!! so yeah the drug does work, but jsut be careful and eat properly or it will make you sick

It does. But there's some caveats.
You need to get into the habit of eating less food. When you finish your few months of Phentermine, if you backslide into eating more, you will gain weight back. It's really just a stepping stone to jump start your weight loss (talk about a mixed metaphor, sorry). I lost 60 lbs in 4 months a few years ago and gained it all back, plus more, because I didn't maintain my lower level of eating and I didn't exercise.
my diet and exercise blog:

Hi there, well lets see I am a Nurse and Work with People that have problems with weight gaining, not loss, But I can tell you that the drug you want to take .Does work for some people , But not all.Before going on any drug consult your doctor. You already sound like a good person and ask questions which indeed can help with answers..For me I am overweight do to having three c-sections and cancer in my belly, harder to come off.But some others have problems due to the fact they have a disorder and then you have some , who just love food.We all want to look our best.I wish you the best luck and hope you find a great guy or have a great guy or even not, but you will always succeeed, if you want to.good luck Nan
I work in the medical field

I have tried a lot of "fat burners" from my experience (I lost more than 70lbs). I can tell you that most of those products are just marketing hype.

Some of them may be efficient and but when my personal training clients asked me about "fat burners" I tell them that before you buy anything to take a look at Will Brink's Diet Supplements Revealed .

Actually right now, They are giving away free extracts from the e-book so you can see inside at exactly what products is being reviewed. He'll tell you what really works and what is just *marketing hype*

Just go here

They will send you the extract's immediately.


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