what will help me get rid of a cough that ive had for days?!


Put on the kettle. A cough with a tickle needs hot tea to settle it down. To coat your throat, sweeten your cup with some honey and breathe in some steam while it's brewing, she advises. (To avoid a steam burn, don't get too close.)

Create a steamy situation. Another way to give your airways the humidity that they crave is to use a vaporizer. Or luxuriate in a warm shower to ease congestion that prompts coughing.

Have a piece of candy. Suck on sugarless hard candy or licorice. Women doctors say that they will probably quiet your cough just as well as most lozenges.

Know when to leave well enough alone. "If you can't sleep, take cough medicine just before bed. And don't swallow phlegm--your body is trying to get rid of it.

Keep the liquids flowing. Even if your cough is the last remnant of a cold, drink plenty of water, juice and broth. Drinking plenty of fluids--including chicken soup--will thin the mucus in your airways and lungs.

Consider taking an antacid. If your cough comes on suddenly at night, it may be caused by gastroesophageal reflux, or a backing up of juices from your stomach. Taking an antacid before bed might help. Also try raising the head of your bed and cutting out food and alcohol for a few hours before you retire for the night.

Other Answers:
The best thing that I've found for a stuffy nose (and a sore throat and other cold symtoms) is a natural herbal cough drop called "Olbas Pastilles". A friend recommended the drops to me and they REALLY work! You can find them at most health food/vitamin stores and they are very inexpensive.

The active ingredient is Menthol. Inactive ingredients are eucalyptus oil, juniper berry oil, wintergreen oil, chorophyll, and clove oil. They are a bit strong (minty) at first, but then start to taste pretty good, especially since you can breathe again!

Good luck!

If it is a common cold, zicam is really good. If you have fever, maybe it's an infection, go see a doctor. Ask your local pharmasist, s/he will be able to tell you.

im not a big believe in pain medicines or any kind of medication. but if you boil bean sprouts ( you can find these in asian markets ) boil them for about 10 minutes and then drink the hot water, (throw out the sprouts) this should clear your throat completely

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