I have horrible migraine's and most of the prescription med.'s make me sick. any!

i have a tendency to get sick and lose vision right before and during the headache, and from time to time one side of my face,arm and hand will go numb right I have been a neurologist, and been given a clean bill of health except for the headaches. i welcome any and all suggestions as to ways i can reduce the pain when one comes on!!
i used to have horrible migraines. one thing you want to look for.is what are your triggers? what usually brings on the migraine? like the person above me said.wines (or any kind of alcohol), chocolates, also caffeine is a big migraine starter, stress.do you have a lot of any of these in your life? do a search for migraine on a search engine and you'll find all kinds of helpful sites and chat rooms of fellow sufferers. although, i'll tell you what helped mine go away.turns out i had a deviated septum.i had had several xrays before.all kinds of other treatment, it wasn't until i went to an ENT specialist that they determined my deviated septum (i also had some cysts/polyps in my sinuses) and i had impacted widsom teeth, and also it turns out.fairly bad allergies. try seeing an ENT and see if there may be anything going on with your sinuses. otherwise, if none of these work.i suggest getting a referral to a pain management clinic where they will teach you how to better cope with the pain if there is no resolution in sight.please see my source for a couple of good links for migraine info.good luck!

Other Answers:
You could try Triptans, or NSAIDs.

ever since i was a little girl i have had the worst migranes i would cry myself to sleep my mom had cat scans to allergie tests you name it it was done when i hit puberty it all stopped. I dont know how old you are but look into it. Also i squinted alot but never needed glasses my doctor thought that might have something to do with it. Get your eyes checked. My mom wouuld massage my temples and nose and around the ears and it would really calm me down and help to take it away

I don't know how to stop them but you can prevent them by not drinking a whole lot of wines and some alcoholic drinks, and chocolate can set them off to.

Try EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique). This is a simple procedure you can perform on yourself in minutes and relief can be permanent. There sometimes is an underlying emotionally traumatic problem which caused the migraines to start.
www.emofree.com, download the manual

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