How do you get rid of a oily face?!


Make sure you drink a lot of water daily and it will detoxify your whole system. 8 hours of sleep helps too and remember to wash your face 2 times daily and don't touch your face much.=>

Other Answers:
use apricot twice scrub daily once morning once evening.wet your face, then apply the scrub, lather for a bit scrubbing it then wash with warm water. use moisturising lotion after drying ure face

oxy pads

Homemade Tomato Face Mask For Oily Skin

1Ripe tomato mashed
Water as required

1. Mash up a ripe tomato.
2. Put in a small bowl.
3. Apply on damp face.
4. Leave it on for 15-20 minutes.
5. Rinse with warm (NOT HOT) water.
6. Pat dry.

Unfortunately, you cannot get rid of your skin type, but you can care for it better, maybe. I recommend an antibbacterial soap or scrub, a gentle exfoliant, and an oil-free moisturizer. Ask a Clinique consultant for help.

I used Burt's Bees tomato face soap and astringent. It is absolutely amazing! You can get it online if you don't have a place that carries it in your town. It smells like a tomato plant, seriously, but there is nothing else like it!

Wash your face twice a day, and at night put on a good lotion like Cetaphil on your face, so you can wash it off in the morning. Your face is prolly oily because it's too dry and it's making oil to keep your face healthy. But use the lotion, it will help a lot.
I use to have an oily face and i did this and it helped so much.

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