which is worst marihuana or alcohol?!


Alcohol is much worse by far,I'm not saying pot is good but the trail of destruction left by alcohol is immeasurable and the affect on the family and children is depressing.From a societal perspective the is nothing that does more damage,do some research it really will make you sick.Good Luck!

Other Answers:

I would pick marijuana. But you would have to right deal with the pros and cons of each. Alcohol can also cause more damage, but in my opinion i will go with Mary Jane.

legally?? marijuana. My opinion? alcohol.

Alcohol because it effects your liver. Marihuana takes years to mess you up but alcohol is faster.
By my mom. She is a nurse

Weed is worse and illegal

no bad marihuana,weedo bello comprende amigo?

That depends on how you define worst. Alcohol is harder on your body and you loose more brain cells being drunk then being stoned. Also, Alcohol causes thousands of death every year, not counting traffic related death and is quite addictive. There are no known fatalities due to Marijuana overdose and it is generally considered less addictive then alcohol. However, since Marijuana is illegal, you have a higher chance of getting in contact with hard drugs when obtaining it then you are when picking up a 6 pack at your local 7-11.

what the **** is wrong wit you? obvioulsy marijuana! that is a fucking drug. alcohol is easier to reduce. and marijuana is fucking illegal. you are one dumbass *****!

Worse for what? Who said that? Yeah there's nothing like pot for making you spill your drink so I guess that proves it.


With quite a bit of experience I can say I believe the answer would be alcohol, hands down. I don't suggest either, however.

I have never fallen down and gotten hurt from smokin' pot. I have also never gotten a hangover or puked on my lover while he was asleep from smokin' pot.

MJ in even small amount gunk up your lungs worse than cigarettes.

Alchol in small amounts is considered safe for most people.

Drugs are bad mmmkay.

If you abuse them they are both bad.

drink occasionally, but only when your in a good mood.
Smoke occasionally, it has different affects on people, so "use" it according to that affect.

alcohol -
drunk driving is a leading cause of death
domestic abuse frequently starts with alcohol
countless rapes, or consensual indiscretion
'nuff said

Depending where you live, marijuana is illegal unless you have a prescription.

I don't know anyone who died from using marijuana but I know many people who have died from alcohol or are suffering liver disease.

Whatever, these idiots do not know what they are talking about, pot is sooo much better, a pot head does not get in the car and kill someone, a drunk does, a pothead does not **** your girlfriend a drunk does, a pothead does not die from lack of liver function, a drunk does. Pot is a known natural healer, it helps insomnia, anxiety, anger and it will help that anorexic have an appetite. I am so sick and tired of these idiotic right wing religious aa people talking about shi.t they know nothing about. The ONLY reason it is not legal is because of all the money the police and the courts would lose on busts. People need to wake up and smell the joint, your day will be much better for it. All those talks about it being the gateway drug are absurd, and it does not make you lazy, if a person is lazy it has nothing to do with pot it is the person themselves.

Both of them are really bad, and can cause u to have health problems in the future. But if I had to choose Id say marijuana because it can cause u to do crazy things that u wouldnt normally do. Dont get me wrong alcohol makes u wild out to but at least u can control the % of the alcohol u drink. Marijuana also makes ure clothes stink, and when u need to have a drug screen for a job the marijuana will stay in ure system causing u to lose the job. On the other hand u can get a kit to clean ure system out within 30 mins. of ure alcohol consumption.

Both of those substances are harmfull to your body. I personally think that alcohol is way worse than Marijuana. Alcohol can damage most of your vital organs like your liver and it can be very dangerous becuase once your alcohol tolerance level goes up you tend to drink more to get drunk and the more alcohol the more harm done to your body. Marijuana basically has the same effects as a cigarette. It damages your respitory system, your short term memory, etc. They are both equally as dangerous. I think alcohol is worst becuase it lowers your decsion making abilities and badthings can happen after you drink. Marijuana just gives you a high feeling, doesnt effect your decsion making abilites as much as alcohol does.

they are both purdy bad 2 me!
my brain

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