im a 23/f and i need to get a flat stomach with a two pack what is the best way?!


Well, it depends a little on both your current shape and lifestyle. My stomach is my only real "problem" area, and I know the best thing that's helped me is yoga (it's helped me tone up all over, but especially my mid-section) along with crunches.

If you need to lose weight and not just tone, then you will need some cardio as well and also a balanced diet (not a starvation diet, though! and no fad diets!) with lots of healthy proteins, veggies, whole grains, and other unprocessed foods.

Other Answers:
go to site below. You can print the exercises.

do some crunches. the best way to develop upper abdomen(two pack).

Do 100 situps everyday.


jogg, eat healthy and do sit ups. 8 minute abs baby

do any kind of abdominal exercises

this is the best way to get it ok go to a stor where they sell fitness videos and get gilads workouts ok his name is gilad he is the best ever they are called gilads body in motion and gilads total body sculpt he is the best ever it worked for me
me :O

CRUNCHES BABY! YEAH IVE BEEN DOING THEM FOR 2 DAYS AND IM NOTICING THE DIFFERENCE. well im takin kick boxing but while you do the crunches lift up your feet and cross them so they are in the air. now pull in your stomach and CRUNCH. use your 'abs' to push up though, you cant get abs without using them

All the sit ups in the world are not going to make your stomach any flatter. You will first need to get rid of the layers of fat that are covering up your abs. In order to do this you need to get rid of body fat. There is no way to target your mid section, it is a process. Fat is simply unused energy stored.

The best way to get rid of the fat is first get on a balanced diet. This means eating 3 balanced meals per day. NO EATING AFTER DARK. Second you need to get on a routine of Cardio exercise and Light weight training. Thirdly you need to drink lots and lost of water. If you stick to these thing I assure you will see a massive change in your body composition.
From experience

Bloody Hard Work!
No miracle cure I am afraid.
Eat well, exercise regularly, avoid fats and refined carbohydrates, rest and time.
Be aware that most supplements claiming to create miracles and cut you up are largely unfounded and would require doses far beyond safe to work. I am a Naturopath and get asked this often. I was also a competitive martial arts fighter for many years and tried them ALL! I also analysed them all and found them to be very expensive rubbish mostly.
Loading with extra protein is amyth also, this just places extra stress on the kidneys and is useless and expensive. The body will only use what it needs and it need around 1gm Protein/kg body weight. Those elite athletes out there may need SLIGHTLY more 1.5gm protein/kg body weight.
So as you can see B.H.W. is the secret!

Good luck.
Craig - Naturopath.

pilates work for me!!
andone workout that works amazing that you can do besides crunches, lay down on the floor, legs straight, and then lift them up so that your at a 90 degree angel(imagine laying on the ground, butt and legs against wall.) then lower back down with straight legs but don't touch the ground, then raise back up and so on. works amazing! tough, but simple enough that you can be watchin t.v, and on a commercial get down on the floor and do it.

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