What is your opinion on abortion?!


I am the mother of a aborted baby when I was 16. It was the biggest mistake of my life, since that day I have felt regret and sorrow and guilt everyday of my life. I wish someone would have told me the wonders of adoption, then I could have shared my baby with a family that truly could have cared for him/her and wanted her/him. Since then I have been pregnant 3 times, twice the pregnancy ended in miscarriage. After my first miscarriage the doctor told me that I would never be able to have my own children due to the scar tissue and violent miscarriage (almost 10 years ago). However, I now have a healthy happy 6 year old daughter. Since her birth, my husband and I have been trying to have another baby, but it just isn't happening. I keep thinking it has something to do with the abortion that I had, maybe not, but no one will be able to convice me otherwise.

To all the women/girls that are thinking about an abortion:
PLEASE don't! 9 months is just a short time to wait to give the gift of life to a waiting mom and waiting dad. Your baby was given to you so you can pick that special family to share your baby with. You can choose open adoption where you can still see your baby. When your baby gets old enough they will thank you for the life that you gave them.

There is no a reason for a woman to have a abotrion on the face of this planet that is good enough for me to agree on with it. I think it is a selfish thing to do and if you are going to have sex, then you better be able to deal with whatever may happen as a result of it. ADOPTION IS AN OPTION!

Other Answers:
It should be totally legal, nothing wrong with it.

Nothing wrong with it.



in fine with it depending on the circumstances

In my country it is totally legal, South Africa protects & supports freedom of choice and so do I

its stupid its killing a human..

depends on the circumstances for it

like i'd never have one if i got pregnant
but if i were raped, maybe i would have an abortion
and i really can't say either way unless in the situation
i don't put others down for doing it, it is their right

It's killing. Don't kid yourself about that. But it's a woman's choice and there shouldn't be any laws IMHO.

Men should not be able to legislate what a woman does with her body. It is an individual choice and should be left up to the individual.

let get rid of reason for first.oh one thing before they ban abortion they need to pass a law that makes ALL pro-lifers to adopt 3 children each.

i'm pro life, because you never know, a child killed by abortion could have been the person to find the cure to cancer or be the next greatest president for the US. and abortions are done in such disgusting ways, for example of abortion is giving the baby a shot of a salt mixture which burns the baby alive, but doesn't harm the mother. another way is to rip the baby's limbs piece by piece out of the mother's womb..i think abortion is horrible and should be made illegal
i did a debate on it at summer classes

well I'm against it.

its bad..
better 2take precautions b4 than regretting afterwards..

I may get some people upset with me on this one, but in my personal opinion, abortion is murder.
You can not have life from non-life.
In order for the fetus to grow, it needs air and food. Which to me, suggests that the fetus is alive.
In my opinion, why murder a child, when there are so many people that wants a baby, but can't have them?

I am not really entitled to an opinion on abortion. I am a man, and as such can't get pregnant. (If I could I'd be rich!)

But I will say that it might be a better world if abortion was unnecessary, but when it is, the decision is one to be taken by the woman in question, with help from her (hopefully non-biased) medical practitioner, not from some politician or religious "leader".

Im not happy with it .
I wish people would have protected sex instead of killing the unborn.How hard is it to take a pill or to put on a rubber. It sure hurts a lot less than an abortion .
Emotionally and physically.

i think it is definatley the womens choice if she wants to get it done, but i really don't believe abortion should ever happen, because a child is a child and life is a beautiful thing.

I think it is an option. It should be. People should make their own choices and pay their own consequences. Better a child die and go straight to heaven (and yes the bible says children under 13 are NOT accountable for their sins), than be born to into a situation where it has no love, no food, no future, and no hope with a teen mom. It did not decide to have unprotected sex, why should it suffer the consequences? And all these religious left wingers that say its a sin, or there are options; I don't see them raising unwanted kids (only taxpayers), and they change their tune if their kid gets knocked up. The choice is between God, the mothers, and the fathers-if they care.

I think it isn't a health issue it is a life and death issue abortion is a nice way of saying one is killing a fetus.

My opinion is that it really honestly depends on the situation. We as a people have to make tough decisions in our lives all the time, so somebody belief about abortion might not be as important as somebody belief in a risk taking surgery etc. We will all have to answer for what we do and I think the harder we push to get people to view our way the harder people will push back to have you see it their way. It's an never ending circle my dear.

I think many people are against it. until they or someone they love needs one.
Who says, hey yeah let's kill a baby! It's hard to get excited about standing up for abortion. I am so thankful I have never been in the position to choose.
The point is though, that it should be my choice. If you put all these restrictions on who can have one, you might as well make it illegal across the board - all women and potential children just have to suffer, no matter the circumstances.
When given a choice, others will gladly try to impose their morality on you. Yet you (pregnant woman) and the child are the ones who must live with the consequences.
I truly wish that more preventive birth control was practiced so we wouldn't see the need for abortion, BUT is it often not the same folks who are against both abortion and birth control?

Not for it unless done under exceptional circumstances such as rape, likelihood of death etc. If a person doesn't want kids I suggest contraceptives as a means of waving off pregnancy.

I work in a Women's and Children Center in admitting for Labor and Delivery. I see way too many teenagers (13!) coming in to give birth. I believe abortion is a personal choice however I feel like some people value an unborn life much more than a teenage life. (which will be ruined by having a child so young. Also, it is NOT a black and white issue.. there are too many circumstances to say YES or NO.

MURDERERS , why are you going to take away another life like that , it is not right or fair

My opinion would have to be that I couldn't bring myself to do it, just cuz I've always wanted a child, but can't tell others whether or not they should do it. If they can't see bringing the baby to term, it'll just go visit God a lil early : ) It's too personal of a choice to have someone make it for the woman!

Well i dont beleive there is anything wrong with it, it is the mother's decision if she wants to keep her baby or not. I hate people who say it should be ileagal becuz i mean what if a girl get raped and then gets pregant? does everyone expect her to keep the child, when it could ruin her life?!? Then there are toher cases when the birth could KILL the mother.do people expect her to just DIE, because it is illeagle for abortion? that is stupid! So i think abortion is OK under sertain circumstances.

I am anti-abortion. I don't think there are many reasons that make abortion acceptable. Abortion should only be used in cases of rape, severe fetal deformity, and if carrying the pregnancy would be life threatening to the mother.

I hate how people have abortions because "oops" they got pregnant. When you have sex you do it knowing there is a chance of pregnancy and you should be actively trying to prevent it with at least one method of birth control. If you end up pregnant anyhow, you should then take responsibility for your actions, and if you don't want to raise the baby then give it up for adoption.

Abortion is murder. Cases where it is justified to murder an adult are rare, why should it be any different for a developing person?

When you become pregnant, it's NOT JUST your body anymore. And the person you're sharing it with has NO CHOICE.

For the record - I don't call myself "pro-life", but instead "anti-abortion".I don't like to associate myself with the pro-life movement. I don't believe in abstinance education, I believe in preventative education. I'm agnostic.

I don't believe that abortion should be illegal, but I do feel that it needs to be more regulated and that there should be a better process for women considering abortion.

Murder puts you in jail for a good long time. Thats what it is, and that should be the punishment.. would fix the problem of too many idiots having sex at will. see with abortion, no one has consequences for their actions.

Abortion is murder, like it or not you bleeding heart liberals, and no amount of propaganda saying otherwise is gonna change that fact.

Abortion = Murder and should be treated as such. Nobody gave anyone else the right to take another person's life.
Common Sense.

I support the right of women to having control over their reproductive capacity. I do not think that abortion is wrong. I do not believe that the reason why most people believe that it is wrong is true.

Abortion is not murder. Murder is the willful taking of one human's life by another human. Physiologically, a fetus is more like a salamander than a human, and I'm not big into the salamander rights campaign. Neurologically, the child isn't complete until it's a year old, so while it's still in the womb, it's certainly not a developed human.

Don't get me wrong, I don't want anyone to think that I'm advocating killing babies. In fact I have often been very supportive of all things child related. But when it comes right down to it, and we consider the neural biology, certain facts become apparent. In the question of, "what does it mean to be human" quit a lot of the answers deal with our ability to think, and have humanity. But Iwant to make it very clear that I am in no way advocating infanticide, which is much nicer than the bible which doesn't even mention infanticide despite the fact that it was commonly practiced at the time. In fact, until about a hundred years ago, I can't recall this ever having been much of an issue ever in the history of the world. But now, as infant mortality rates are at an all time low, and population is soaring out of control, now is the time in human evolution when people decide to stand up and say that abortion is wrong.

Christians claim to take truth from the bible, and the bible makes no reference to abortion or infanticide. In fact the closest thing to a reference is in Exodus 21:22 to the punishment if a man does violence to a pregnant woman causing her to lose the child, which is different from the punishment for murder as described in Exodus 21:12, which clearly indicates that the basis for popular religious thought for the Judeo-Christian-Muslim traditions did not intend for the killing of a fetus to be regarded as murder.

I know there is a lot in here which some people will react against, because I'm dealing with the topic frankly, openly and head on. That's not the way people usually deal with the abortion debate. They hide behind images of something cute and say, "It's human, how could you kill it." I'm not hiding behind any feeling based arguments but instead dealing with the actual issues. Feelings are too easily manipulated. Just ask anyone who works in marketing. But the facts are the facts and when people get over their feelings on the issue and stop listening to people trying to retain their positions and relevance by convincing people that this is actually a reasonable issue, then maybe we could move on and deal with all the real issues which we were distracted from because of this bogus abortion debate. Like for instance, why is it that there have been major advances in everything for the past 50 years, but we're still stuck with the same corrupt politicians?

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