Does anyone have or is anyone diagnosed with bi-polar, dissociation, and other p!

Describe it and how do u overcome it?
BIPOLAR IS NOT A PERSONALITY DISORDER.It's a mental disorder related with highs and downs in the emotional mode.I have been diagnosed with manic depression about 5 years ago and the only treatment for bipolar disorder is lithium therapy.What I can say is manic depression is not an easy thing to cope with.If anyone needs more information on how a manic depressive feels dont hesitate to ask.

Other Answers:
my niece has it , and she is a very hard person to communicate or even be around . one day she is hateful , very spiteful and being very negative and there are times she verbally abuses her mom , and then she can be as love able and sweet as honey . it's some some more system but going to the web , you can probably find more medical information on bipolar

I do and lots of my friens have dissociative disorders, because the lost children identify each other very quickly.
To describe it it`s not space enough and I didn´t overcome it yet, I try to make the best out of the situation.

When I was young (I don't remember), I was diagnosed with autism. Symptoms of being autistic are: getting angered easily, etc. According to, teens who have it can experience some type of epilepsy when they become a teen. Many children with Autism can't take no for an answer. The first article about it covers the basics. Article 4 talks about diagnosing it. The 2nd article talks about the symptoms.

My boyfriends father is bi-polar. He is emotionally, and physically abusive to family members. Is mentally and verbally abusive to everyone else. He makes up stories and lies about nearly everything. One minute he'll be sweet as honey - hug you, tell you he loves you etc., and suddenly turn into a vicious monster the next - calling you names and accusing you of unrealistic things. He is very controlling and paranoid also.

I dont know if you actually can overcome this disorder. He has medication, and though his sons say that it has helped, it still hasnt eliminated the problem.

I personally think that he may have another undiagnosed psychological problem - such as schizophrenia, or something in that direction. So I could be wrong about not being able to overcome it.

I suffer from Bi-polar and the only way to overcome it is to take it one day at a time. Don't set unrealistic goals for yourself just do the best you can everyday and eventually you just get into a habit of what you do.

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